King's Business - 1949-10

THE CHURCH FATHERS (Continued, from Page 10)

Needy Hebrew Christian Communities Continue In Europe

it was a matter of necessity that every church should agree with the church at Rome. Cyprian of Carthage (d. A. D. 258) contributed as much as any other of the Fathers to the development of the primacy of Rome. To Cyprian, Rome was the Mother Church and the Roman bishop of superior dignity. The elevation of the Roman see was due to many causes: the Roman Church was the largest congregation in the West; it was a zealous missionary church; it boasted connection with two of the chief Apostles, Paul and Peter; it was venerated by the Fathers; it had been successful in resisting threatening heresies; it had the prestige of the pres­ ence of the Emperor in the capital city (until A. D. 330, when Emperor Constantine moved his capital to Con­ stantinople) ; and in the midst of im­ perial decay in the fourth and fifth centuries the Church alone maintained a strong centralized government and alone survived the barbarian invasions. For these reasons by the beginning of the seventh century the term “pope” was used with exclusive reference to the Roman bishop, and the Roman Cath­ olic system was underway. Among the first Roman bishops to approximate the supremacy enjoyed by all subsequent occupants of the episcopal chair in Rome were Innocent I (A. D. 402-17), Leo I (A. D. 440-461) and Gelasius (A. D. 492-496). With the ar­ rival of Gregory I (A. D. 590-604) the Roman Catholic Church could boast of her really first Pope. In Gregory the Roman system was crystallized and has been perpetuated to the present time. The pattern of the development of the Roman hierarchy traced through the Fathers might be repeated for many doctrines peculiar to the Roman 'Cath­ olic Church. Herein lies the tremendous value to the Roman Church of the new translations. Yet the work will not be without merit for Protestantism. Many of the writings of the Fathers will con­ firm the Protestant view of the sole authority of the canonical Scriptures. The vast inconsistency of many patristic doctrines with the Word of God becomes apparent. Thus Divine Revelation, un­ trammeled by political expediencies and human ambitions, remains the believer’s only lamp of light; and the Reformation doctrine of the supremacy of the Bible in all matters of faith and life receives a welcome impetus. 2 November 29, 1944 through January 17, 1945. 3 The National Catholic Alma/nac, 1945, p. 186. 4 ISBE, Vol. I, pp. 338-39. 5 ISBE, Ibid., p. 338b. 6 Quoted in Qualben, A History of the Christian Church, p. 90. 7 Quoted in Qualben, A History of the Christian Church, pp. 90-91. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 1 Kenneth Scott Latourette, The Unquenchable Light .

In spite of the amaz­ ing numbers of Jews who are emigrating to Palestine, there are liv­ ing Hebrew Christian communities w h o re­ main in Berlin, Ham­ b u r g , F r a n k f u r t , Vienna, Budapest, and other parts of Europe: These Hebrew Chris­ tians will maintain a p o t e n t witness for Christ wherever they are. It is these Hebrew

bardment, we have an unshakable faith in our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Through the money reform in Germany half of us have become entirely impoverished. We therefore hope and pray that the kind friends in America will not abandon us, but continue to help especially our aged and under­ nourished.” In all parts of Europe and in Palestine we are seeking to sustain the' needy Hebrew Christians, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the hopeless and de­ spairing. To carry on this blessed, Christlike ministry, we need your prayers and gifts. Please do help us and a rich reward will be yours. $ 5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child -for a month. A folder of “ News Letters from Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request.

Rev. Jacob Peltz Ph.B., B.D.

Christians we must continue to encourage and help in their spiritual and material needs. A leader of one of these Hebrew com­ munities in Frankfurt, Germany, writes: “ Our group of 150 Hebrew Christians meets every Monday night for study of the Word of God. In spite of all of our sufferings and losses of loved ones in the concentration camps and material fortunes through bom­

Address gifts and communications to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U. S. A. 4919 N. Albany Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Rev. Jacob Peltz., Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Dept. K Canada 91 Bellevue Ave. Toronto, Ontario The First Annual SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION of So. Calif, will Convene O ct. 17-22 at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 So. Hope Street. Authorities in Sunday School Teach­ ing Methods, Administrative Problem Clinics, Visual Aid Demonstrations, and Sunday School Evangelism, will participate. Speakers will include Dr. John E. Brown, Dr. Walter L. Wilson, Dr. Henrietta C. Mears. and Miss Eunice Fischer, as well as many others. Plan to attend.

Q P U f tM t ë TO TOUR

Evangelistic Camöaien llllk p g Will Cover the Nation

Jack Wyrtzen, Phil Saint, Rev. Charles W . Anderson, and other outstanding soul winners will spend two-month “ shifts” in Japan between this Fall and next summer with teams that will carry the Gospel of salva­ tion throughout Japan. Arrange now for a showing in your church of the new color sound film, “ T o W in a N a­ tion,” just released— a gripping 11-minute close-up of the struggle between Christianity and Communism in Japan.

Continue to pray and work for our “ Ten M i l l i o n G o s p e l ’* Fund. Keep in touch with this great work through our Quarter­ ly Bulletin. YOURS FREE O N RE QUEST.


Page Twenty-eight

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