King's Business - 1949-10

a hit in any league . . .


by James W. Kramer

For dynamic sermons — star­ tling, thought-provoking mes­ sages based solidly on the Scriptures— read Don’t Die on Third. Definitely different from much of the present-day preach­ ing, each of these twelve spar­ kling sermons is written in the language of the man on the street. The many illustrative stories, the terse, straight-from-the-shoulder pleading for true Christianity will make this book a favorite with young and old alike. at your bookseller $ 1.50 Broadman Press Nashville, Tennessee

“ ( H l j a t t k s f o r S l t b l r S c h o o l - A n i m i i-* iiT^OR the past three years,” writes a warm- r hearted Nebraska A.S.S.U. Missionary, “ we

have held a Daily Vacation Bible School at Compton Union in this rolling sand-hill cattle country. “On the closing day, as I waited to take the children home, one of the mothers said to me: ‘In my home before I was married, we never paid any attention to God until this Sunday School started; and these Daily Vaca­ tion Bible Schools have meant so very much to us. W e have had such a great blessing, too, from having the teachers in our home for part of the week. “The other night, when the teacherswere at the neighbors for supper, well—-you know — we had never said grace. But the teacher did. So as we sat at the table, my little girl said: ‘Mama, who is going to say grace to­ night?’ Her Daddy and I looked at each other, and we could not keep back the tears. Then her Daddy said: ‘You can.’ And it surely touched our hearts when she said, with bowed head: ‘Thank you for our home. Thank you for Mama and Papa. Thank you for the teachers. Thank you for Daily Vaca­ tion Bible School. Thank you for our food. Amen!’ I told a neighbor lady about this, and we both cried; and she said she, too, realized that we had been neglecting the most impor­ tant things in life.”

The A .S .S .U . employs the largest number of missionaries of any Sunday'school organiza* tion in the world, selecting only men of known courage, piety and tact. The scope of its work is national, and it is the only direct agency for thousands of unreached chib dren of .our country areas. In these neglected and unevangel' ized homes are gifted young people who, when won for Christ may become the San' keys, the Moodys, the Finneys and the Wanamakers of tomor' row. Few realize that 85 % of our ministers and 75% of our successful business men come from "the country."


AMERICAN Sunday School

An attractively illustrated quarterly, "TH E SUNDAY 'SCHOOL M ISSIONARY, " gives other unusual incidents in our romantic work with rural America’s otherwise unreached. It is yours for a card or letter addressed to Department of Missions, 1816'K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

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