Optical Connections Magazine Summer 2024


Even in the global economic downturn, operators have not abandoned their investments in optical networks.

networks are upgrading to Terabit. ZTE has been committed to the R&D of new technologies in the optical communications field for a long term. ZTE ranked No. 2 in the global 10G PON shipments in the new round of optical network upgrade, and unveiled a new 50G PON product, which has been tested by more than 30 operators worldwide. In the optical transport scenario, ZTE’s 400G QPSK has set a world record in transmission distance without electrical regeneration, and 400G shipment growth rate ranks first globally. Intelligent O&M is an unavoidable requirement to deal with the constant growth of innovative services. The ever-evolving services require that optical networks possess a multitude of capabilities, including flexible access, agile service provisioning, efficient visual O&M, accurate service planning and network planning based on multi- factor path computation, and better energy consumption performance. ZTE developed an optical fibre fault management system to raise the O&M efficiency of the optical fibre system by more than 80% and reduce O&M costs by over 50%. BRINGING NEW EXPERIENCES TO SMART HOMES The home broadband network service has fully entered the people’s lives, including office, education, safety and health, and 8K HD videos and VR/AR services require a higher-quality home network. With the all-optical FTTR as the foundation, the FTTR+X will become the direction of evolution for the next-generation home networks, leading them to become digital, intelligent, ecological, and scenario-based networks. Scenario-based services drive the smart home to become a new engine for revenue growth. In the future, the home may be an office, cinema, classroom, or shopping mall. In terms of users, operators can enhance user loyalty by offering personalised home services. In terms of services, value-added services such as home security, smart home, online education, and live gaming can bring additional revenues to operators. In

terms of business models, working with different service providers, operators can leverage home scenario-based services as a platform to explore new business models and cooperation opportunities. Ecological layout creates a high ground for industry competition. Basic telecommunications operators develop an external ecosystem around brands, core products, user resources, and channel advantages. For example, gateways and smart home apps serve as an entry for the establishment of the digital home ecosystem. Internet companies take technologies, platforms and data as the core to form ecosystem relationships. Companies such as JD.com and Baidu use hardware-based Internet services and intelligent terminals to gain access to residential networks. Digital and intelligent networks may disruptively upgrade interactions at home. The development of generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT, deep learning of user habits, and the construction of proactive customised services will accelerate the penetration of edge AI capabilities into every home terminal. FTTR will encounter new technological iterations. Innovative technologies and applications, such as distributed AI computing engine, intelligent home perception, ultra-fast data storage, and home digital human, will comprehensively improve smart home digital life experience. FTTR completely breaks through the experience bottleneck through media upgrades, becoming the ultimate solution for users to achieve a super gigabit experience. RoomPON 5.0, a next-generation all-optical digital and intelligent product, enables network devices to truly serve as the control centre of a smart home and further promote the high-quality growth of the FTTR+X all- optical digital and intelligent home. BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE AND BOOSTING GREEN SUSTAINABILITY The global digital development is still widely unbalanced. According to statistics, 34% of the global population do not have access to the Internet; therefore the fibre-

based infrastructure will play a greater role. On the one hand, fair connections are created through broad fibre access to bridge the digital divide in different regions. On the other hand, optical fibres are being developed profoundly and broadly to improve the usage experience of groups such as the senior and the children, as well as to provide a digital and intelligent home life. In recent years, the global economy is under great pressure, and the telecommunications industry is constrained by energy and climate change. In this context, network evolution needs to consider how to ensure sustainable development. From the perspective of all-optical network construction in the long term, on the one hand, ZTE makes continuous breakthroughs in the bottom-layer core technologies like chips, materials, and algorithms, and adopt the equipment- level, board-level, port-level, and chip-level multidimensional energy- saving technologies and AI scheduling management to help build green and low-carbon all-optical networks. On the other hand, from product design and material use to end-of-life, ZTE adheres to the principle of sustainable development, 100% reuse of product modules, recyclable and reproducible raw materials, green and environmentally friendly packaging materials. ZTE has been recognised for its outstanding actions against climate change, attaining a position on the CDP 2023 “A List” recently, placing in the top 2% of all participating companies. ZTE also works with thousands of global partners to set up a secure and reliable supply chain system and eight logistics centres worldwide. This enhances supply chain flexibility and ensures the industry-leading stable delivery. As a pioneer of the digital economy, ZTE has been innovating and iterating basic underlying capabilities. Through continuous iteration of architectures, algorithms and processes, ZTE has been expanding the service scenarios of all- optical networks, and collaborating with operators, enterprises and consumers to create a green and sustainable industrial ecosystem and a ubiquitous, green, digital, and intelligent all-optical era.



ISSUE 37 | Q2 2024

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