Table 3.1 (continue): Policies and measures to combat the COVID-19
From the survey data, it seems that there is consensus that “the measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been clear”: 48% agree and 17,7% strongly agree on the statement (totaling 65,7% of the population surveyed). Along the same line, “The communication undertaken about the measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been efective” indicates that most respondents fnd that the announcements concerning the pandemic measures were efective: 40,3% agree and 10,9% strongly agree with the statement. Whether these announcements were taking efect immediately, leaving little time for businesses to take precautionary measures or to prepare for them, is not conclusive from the data we obtained to the statement “Announcements regarding measures taken by the authorities in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic were announced relatively late”. Also, people seemed to accept the measures taken by government ofcials and they did not resent them “In general, in my company, there was consensus about the measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic”: 45,2% agree and 20,2% strongly agree (totaling 65,4% of respondents). This is further reinforced with high acceptance to the statement “The measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been reasonable” because most respondents fnd the measures imposed reasonable and not exaggerated. It seems also, that “The authorities changed often the measures taken in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic” which is refected by 47,2% who agree with the statement and 12,9% who strongly agree totaling 60,1% of surveyed population.
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