African SMEs’ Performance and Behaviors during COVID-19

Survey Builder

After developing the questionnaires around the diferent challenges, the questions were peer checked by a colleague from academia and by experts from UNDP and African Union to test their validity and comprehension. They were then translated in French. The surveys were built using the Alchemer tool (formerly SurveyGizmo). Alchemer is an online survey tool allowing to gather feedback from participating respondents in many formats. It allows piping (that is if the answer is X then follows path A, and if the answer is Y, the execute action B). It also has the capability of generating pre-fltered reports and statistics.


The following table details the respondents’ numbers across the 5 countries. It also presents how many completed responses per survey were collected.

Survey Egypt Sudan





5 6

66 62

42 57 36 60

45 52 51 44 57 57 55 57 38 33 37 34 48 35 53 34

Cameroon 49


57 61

Zimbabwe 54 49 52 53 Completed 295 252 242 226 248 242 Partial 72 42 9 40 20 21 Table 2.2: Survey Respondents Numbers 57

The data used for analysis is the data collected from completed surveys, since it was reported that participants who encountered connectivity problems had to restart the survey in order to complete it and fulfll program participation requirements.

African SMEs Situation Analysis

In this part, we analyze the input from 360 participants from the 120 businesses, we have the following results:

1- Access to fnance

● Total number of respondents: 295

Need of fnance ● Number of companies that needed fnance over their own capital 259 (88,1%) ● businesses who needed fnancing needed an amount ranging between 5,000 US$ to 5,200,000 US$. Averaging a 669,381.2 US$ fnancing need with a standard deviation of 3,7 Million US$.


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