African SMEs’ Performance and Behaviors during COVID-19

Figure 2.11: “In general, I fnd it difcult to approach a bank for a loan”

Also, a large percentage (34,3%) of respondents fnd it hard to obtain information regarding the fnancial institutions and their product ofering. This means that access to fnancial information in itself is problematic for some of our African startups.

Figure 2.12: “I fnd it hard to obtain information regarding the fnancial institutions and their product ofering

This despite a “slight apparent efort” from some of the governments to declare fnancial inclusion and access to credit endeavors. “It is obvious that my government has recently been pushing to simplify access to credit”.

Figure 2.13: Government's efort in fnancial Inclusion

“It is obvious that my government has recently been pushing to enlarge the credit pool given to small and medium sized enterprises”.


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