It is also obvious that participants are aware about the potential harm of cyberattacks so 62,6% (149_ have upgraded their software to ofer a better protection for their information as seen in the following chart that answers: “I have upgraded the software I use for my business to protect the information that circulates on it.”
Figure 2.64: Upgrade Security tools
Government Support
In this section of the survey, we try to see what role governments play in counterattacking cybercrimes, cyberattacks, etc. and which agencies are involved in this endeavor. First, we try to see whether African SMEs acknowledge the support ofered by the government in this area or not “The government is supporting us with tools to counteract cyberattacks”.
Figure 2.65: Government is supporting with tools to counteract cyberattacks
It is apparent from more than half the responding population (50,8%) that this is not the case. Only 12,7% agree and 3,5% strongly agree with the statement. This is a critical indicator that the government support is not enough. Even on the awareness programs “The government is supporting us with awareness on how to protect our data against cyberattacks” we cannot determine much efort is being done by governments to raise awareness on protection methods. This in itself is refected in the 44,5% who either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement as indicated in the below chart.
Figure 2.66: Government is supporting us with awareness on how to protect our data
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