Table 2.13: Government role with cyber attack
From this table, the results point to the non-existing role of the government in all three activities related to cyberattacks. If we add the neutral to the I am not sure statements, it looks as if the government’s role is hazy and not clear in the process. This position is reinforced in some statements by strong disagreement on the role that the government plays.
Regulatory Framework
In this section we investigate further how the regulatory framework governing cyberattacks is formulated ( Table 2.14) (Table 2.15)
It is alarming to see that respondents who are key people inside African SMEs answer mostly by I don’t know, and this indicates their total lack of knowledge on the regulatory framework surrounding cyber criminality (See last column). The lines of accountability are not clear—both for cyber security policy and for crisis response (33,1% of respondents say they are not). Also, it doesn’t seem clear how government priorities are decided and communicated regarding cyberattacks and information security? (43% of respondents say they are not). And in most cases (38,8%) participants are not aware of the governments’ eforts to publish information about progress on cybersecurity? Nor does it provide a platform to share information among organizations (33,5%). As a conclusion, the whole cybersecurity initiative seems still nascent and scattered in the African countries and no real tangible eforts could be detected. To fnalize, we try to uncover more elements pertaining to the regulatory framework governing cybersecurity by prompting our respondents.
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