NIBuilder 33-1



“The use of IGMasonry Support’s Brick Slip Lintelswill ensure the iconic curvedwall of theBridges Family Practice’s entrance looks good andperformswell into its bright future.”

Executive’s Urban Villages Initiative to commission a piece of art for this iconic exterior. IG Masonry Support – a company which continually meets customers’ high expectations in terms of quality – was tasked with crafting a bespoke Brick Slip Lintel that curved with this shape of the building’s entrance. THE SOLUTION IG Masonry Support’s teams brought into play their skill, craft and expertise to create a Brick Slip Lintel that accentuated this architectural finish and fitted seamlessly with the constructed brickwork. IG Masonry Support also produced Brick Slip Lintels above each of the windows, which required a brick soffit. IG Masonry Support’s Brick Slip Lintels can be used over small openings to eliminate the need for additional masonry support. Supplied in stainless steel or

galvanised steel, IG Masonry Support’s Brick Slip Lintels have the same profile as a standard lintel and are delivered to site as a one-piece unit, complete with brick slips attached, eliminating the need for specialist installation on site. These solutions are produced off-site in a factory-controlled environment, which ensures that the bonding process occurs in optimum controlled conditions free from wet weather, extreme temperature variations and excessive dust. With thousands of installations completed over the past decade, IG Masonry Support’s Brick Slip system is a proven and reliable solution, which provides maximum BBA-certified adhesion of the brick slips. The use of IG Masonry Support’s Brick Slip Lintels will ensure the iconic curved wall of the Bridges Family Practice’s entrance looks good and performs well into its bright future.

Client: Bridges Family Practice Products used: IG Masonry Support Brick Slip Lintels Main Contractor: Canavan Construction Architect: Hall Black Douglas Architects PROJECTTEAM... Key benefits of IGMasonry Support’s Brick Slip Lintels: • Manufactured bespoke to requirements • Simply installed as a standard lintel • Blends seamlessly with already constructed brickwork • Prefabricated for major reduction in on-site labour requirement • Cost saving • BBA Certified

For more information, contact IG Masonry Support by emailing or call: +44 (0)28 8676 0334.



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