Crest Ink - Volume 32 - Number 04 & Volume 33 - Number 01

Retention & the Culture Kings The Contract Packaging Division at Crest is typically pushed to our capacity limits in the Fall due to the seasonality of the products we run. This year was no exception with an added twist of an additional large surge in volume due to the COVID related demands – in fact, it brought way more orders than we could possibly handle. As a result, we were left scrambling to fill many open positions in the middle of a very

October, November, December 2020 & January, February, March 2021 Crest Ink 17 difficult labor market. Knowing that hiring and keeping entry-level labor would be an uphill battle, we decided to look at how we can be the most effective at retaining the new employees that we bring through the door. Jon Bakener (Scheduling Manager) and Ryan Crouch (Consumer Products Sales) were approached in September about improving retention and were immediately on board and on the Production floor. Over the next few months, they focused on improving all on-boarding practices (Orientation, Training); getting to know employees, supervisors and trainers on their designated shifts; helping new employees succeed; making people feel welcomed; promoting Crest Culture and having some fun. Retention and getting new employees converted to full time status continues to be the ultimate goal, but we measured a lot of small wins too (most notably how many people participated in Maroon Tuesdays or Fancy Fridays). Retention is going to be instrumental for staffing production lines and meeting our customers’ expectations going forward. Having someone to facilitate and focus on these goals and responsibilities just makes sense for our com- pany and the Culture we practice every day. Jon Bakener will be transitioning from Scheduling into the Production Department, where he will be our new Employee Development Manager for all 3 shifts and all departments at Crest. Congratulations to Jon on his now job within the company – we will look forward to improved onboarding, training, developement, and retention for new employees. Ryan will be headed back to the Consumer Products Division, where he will finally get to be the Salesman we hired him to be! We really appreciate all of the efforts that these 2 have put into retention over the past few months. I know it’s made a difference, and that they’ve truly en- joyed getting to know everyone. Getting to Know: Jon Bakener, Employee Development Manager Interests: Golfing, collecting beer and petroleum signs, and taking my donkey Penny for long walks. Weirdest thing in my fridge right now: Pillow cases. Your guess is as good as mine. How did you come to Crest: I was working at a park district and was looking to do something different. I was looking for an entry level job with a good company and loved the Crest Culture. Here I am 8 years later! Ryan Crouch , Consumer Products Sales Interests: I like to ride my bike. Last year I rode over 5,000 miles. Also, our family does Pizza/Movie night every weekend. (We have missed only a handful of times in the last 10 years.) Weirdest thing in refrigerator: Garlic and Jalapeño stuffed Olives. Man, are they good! How did you come to Crest? After being a supplier to Crest for nearly 15 years, I came begging for a job. I love the culture!

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