Thanks to COVID, our original plan to visit Ireland or take a Caribbean cruise was put on the back burner. We decided to still go ahead and celebrate my 10 years at Crest by taking a long weekend in Clearwater, FL, to visit some of Stephanie’s childhood friends. While there, we were able to attend our first BMX race that our friend’s kids were riding in. It was their first time racing and one of them got first place, which was great! There was a ton of live music and street performers everywhere we went which was very entertaining. Ste- phanie and I also went on a dolphin tour which was incredible. The dolphins were right next to the boat throughout the tour which allowed us to get some really great pictures. We were also able to visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium which is the home of Winter, the dolphin from the movie Dolphin Tale. Al- though we didn’t get to go on our big vacation just yet, we are grateful that we were able to get away for a few days! My 10 Year Trip by Alfonzo Alvarado, Machine Shop
As part of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week this past summer, the Illinois Department of Public Health issued certificates to those Emergency Responders who have been licensed for 5, 10, 15 20 & 25 years in apprecia- tion for their service. We are fortunate to have a very dedicated group of volunteers here at Crest who fill this role for us and would like to recognize these employees for their service. Volunteers who haven’t quite reached this mile- stone yet are - Cat Larson, Jesse Morris, Tara Lifka and April Cover. We also have team members who are affiliated with local fire departments - Matt Richardson, Martha Holder and Mandi Kersten. Congratulations to these employ- ees on their recognition and our sincerest thanks to them for their service each and every year! First Responders Celebrate Milestones
Randy Reuter 25 Years
David Henrikson 25 Years
Marc Smith 15 Years
Stina Kanaras, Alfonzo Alvarado, Justin Guenther & Stephanie Eich 5 Years
Crest Foods was happy to make a donation to the Ashton Fire Department this summer to help them purchase a Lucas CPR Device. This machine provides patients with effective, consistent compressions during cardiac arrest. It also allows the EMT’s to focus on other important care while the machine performs CPR. We hope this will help the AFD save many lives!
October, November, December 2020 & January, February, March 2021 Crest Ink 7
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