..·•·•·· ;4f)>hilip Jindeih Nathanaet, ,111d saitt:i~iif: ' ;'.~' W"e have found him,} pf whom Moses ijt:\tlie' ';, },we, and the prop~et~, did ·write, Jesus of. Nai~f C et~,, ~he :Wn ofJ011epli, · . ... · ..···· ... ·. .·.· ·\ t( , .; 4ti:And Natha":ael s~id unto him, Ca.n ,there . · , . /-'9Y)8P<l4·t~ifl~ coiile .9~t ~f Nazareth? Phi,~\ ····· \ , ·:~~itl.t ~ll:t~ ~m, Gom~.~ntl ~e. . /: . .. ·. ··•··· { .•.. :,fZ, Jesu{ ~aw .~atlianael,:corning.. t◊ '.him; ;,lp.d'..: \. .2~~lth: Q(;l:\limi:1leh9Wia11 lsra~Jite .md~ .·in ,whotn: :..·. : )i•n° ~i~t i.\· . '. .... , .. ·• ··· .. •··•· : •.•.· .··· ··•· ·.···•. · \ )· , ·, t~ ··• l'lat,~'"'~~el\ saith unto• hill),. Whente.,lqi~f'"· ··,,~st.~oµ 1J1i?:·.J~s.µs ~nswered'Md,saidju11to ,him,· ;£•t~f~#i\i1,~tffhlAAi.•?~lle.cl·•thee,·fhen . tl;lour~s~ under the ·t1g. tree~ I saw thee. . . .· <\': A-.9 Nathanael· answered' and saith unto ·him,t•. ' ..·.} . t:.:t,• 1 ;L>•'; / . 'h"/ •· .. ,•.J\,••r:\t· .·····• '•"3 • • L • ... · ·.. ·t:1 •·/.. ·· ' •~l\"7 ~<),A•()U .:art 't e. 5on '.6.i .: &ou,; tu,(lll . art tn.e · ,., i~: .... ·•·· .., ~::!~t·~i<;t""
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