
f( '~:lj?.. ·l\n,_1 this is ;~he conaem~ation, th~t .. .. .. i)' ... is b~me>intn..the .•.world, ..and·men loved d~rk~~ssi\, rath~rt~.in,light, .. b~aus~ their· deeµs w~re\eyiJ}. · i} .···•· ~o,.~oi~v~ry :o~e that. doeth .e;;il h~tet.h.,~~:· . light,. pei:t:her ... cometh ;to. the light, lest J,.is d~.~s " s~ou!4]lerwrov¢4..... . .( .. >. " ••. .,.. . . 1 !' 1. ··.· ••· 1 21. 13ut:he t:hat~o~t~tr\l* com~thJo ~h~ lig~t, ·· .· ... that J,is .d~ds ~ay~he 1m.a'1e· manif~st, ~hat. ih~y . are ~r-0\islit in ~od. .· .... ·. .. . .· .·· . . .. . '. C ~2 'A.f:t~i :flies.e;tlJJngs ·camtJesus:am:Lhis ~5. . • ·.••····· ·.· ciplesi4~o theJap.q of Jude~; and there he3t~tri~~ ·1; •' · with them, anti ~.iptized; < ... . . .···. .· .•·· . ..., t.J ·..·•· JJ Atld. Jolm also .was bapti~ing io. 'f:non,.~iilr to Salim, l?ec.iuse there was much water '.tliet~: ,ai:id they came~ an~ !e~e bapti~~d. •··.·•· . . 'C < .· • J4•.F~~Jolln '\Vas.;n<>t yet c~tiptQ. priS<>sn/ •\ . · 2f<!;J:1jfo,,ihere,.arose a ".'µestioh•• bet'\Vre11/~1J:\e· c ·• Qf Jollg~s.,,~isciples and. th~ }~ws aBOHt p~,::ifyin~. t.:·.••:~~ '.t\n9:theY:.:catne .).J11tg John, ,n4. sa.i4 ... ~nt~f ·tilll,.R.~1;,)?j, he th;it 'W:;i~ wi1:}l.th~ p~ypndJ~~~~:ll.~\··Y•; 4 > t? wliom th~u bare.st witne~, b(}hpl4,\ the ?satlle :),) · b~ptiz~th~ a.~d all 11Je11 ceotne.io. him,, ..·.··· ···. .· . ; i • . ... 27 .• J,ol;ilians,~er~d andsaid,<J\ tnan can r~c~ive .• · ~othhii~ fxcept .. it he givell himfro111.heave11i •. ; .. y· ;<Z8. Y:e ,y9µi:sdves. beat Ill~ witneii. :that.J ,sai'1., ,'./ 1·•:am.mo.t .thi Chtist,;buft:ha.tcl.;am.·. sent.,hetQl'e":}· ·hiin.> .·. ·... .... .·.. ·..... ·•·· . . .. .. .. > . ,, .·· .·. · i9 Hf that,hath .• th,e ,h:ri4<tJs '.th~.:~r;i!i~ . ,,.... . / .~.M~• ,t~e. frie11 q of th~. ~rideg(OIJlllS ~hiili, ..·• an.i~t &;.d~t:4<:@lld···heareth him;:;rejoketh·.•,sready.becil4~~{.· j; tlie ~bii~~gr90tnti,.vpic;,e: ,t4~s,.roy·.. ;~y~'.tli~re(ofe;r,$· ., {ijllil!~J: t> .. ··t•\ f', .\·•··.. ·t{\.·t.\•\,.. f•r. ·· · i.<·.J (f .H~ •rous.t intrease,burl:must decrease.~.·.·· ~:t~/ltN~.•i~itifo.iri~l~••)f~m·,.i~gv~ J~ .. ~~1fi ? \~cth.;t;Jswfhe e.atth.i~ ~<lrthly;(an(!•si;,~3\f .. :;.ff i~~~~~,ll~}h~ tba~· c9meth fa-0111·,~eave11Jr . ZY:j•r'.?1'' j~~ .. :fh~t ~.e,hat~ Sfep .. t1,;,.~··,tj~~l~· .,· . '.' nd:119:roa.n, J;(;).~tiY~th'.' ' . ,, '>:s,>tt-'.i);, \' \"' ' '" '' ' ' "

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