;i{,};:~~j)ijf ,ij~;,~~~ii,~Qnl~tfi~jlia·~~i,,,is;"'.~fi~iitlie' '.i !,trpe ~~i:lhil'l\~ts sh:dl worsl,up.!ll¢t:.J:;itftetk ~pfrit · •..'.:.··t·:.~,.•.··n·::'······.·•.'~: ..•. .•• 1... · ·•···•·!.·•.•• ..'.·.~.;~.•.·.· •.' . · ·...•..·... ·.t. h . •··•••.~.·.•. ·.•.'.if·. ·."···••r·······.·.·. t ·.h. e. ··.··E········.t•···t..•.h ··.e. ·.r•.··.··.·.·•. s.e····.·.e.·..·.· · . •·.k. ·• et·li• •.s···..··u ·.·.ch.· 't. cf·w····· · ..•o·.. r.....·.· Snii:t··n1bt :•: .. ·· i. > ;. . ::;:. :.: .•• ···:· .· .... \ ...•<t~'Gddisxa$pitif:.and.:~ey:,th~t,W;otshi:p him ....• ,• 11}US1: worship" ht~ 1n ... spirit 'alt~ ht tl'Uth. . <: C z: ' •. '' C •· 2r 'l'.,he' W-~l1lani saith .•• ¥ht<> ... fifth;i l KllOW;. th;t~•. ~essi,s. fOll)'ethit ~hie~ is' c~lle~ C?rist: · 'tllert )1e · i~ ~~e),lie~ ~ill·teJl 'ri~ alktliingf : } \, •...· .. ·.. : ' ' •. i~.6·)~sus~sit1th tt.i,to• hJt:f I th~t ~peak uj\t6 thee ... atii h~. : c ;• ·. ! J ' i. . . \ .... •..·· . . · > .. · ·i?' .And·· upon• ihis~ame' hk. disciplesi a11d111~r-- .·· ~~e}le~ t11a,r he: talkedc with ,the~ woman:.·< yef ~o ··•• fua,ns~id,;'~at s~e~estrtlmu.? orf. Why tal.kest l: Jthou-w-ith.,J1et?·. . :\.,. ·. \ . . · . . . .. ··•·. <•·· .· . )ts,: Jlie• w-6m~11 ·then 1 feft her w.iterpot~\and we~t:lt~r:w'~-yintQthedty, afidsaithto theinen, . ·~~ .C9me~ Ste a.m~n,; which tdlf me aH things · /· tllat.>evei.J··aia::..is. tto.t?tl;iis··the .Christ? .. ;;lO<sfll~rtihey- wentoti(M thedtY, and' came, \ ~p~o him.:· · . ··•· .··•· . ·.. ·... · > C. • , · . ) 11 I:ri: the•mean while his disciples prayed him~ sayitt~, Master~ eat. . , ·> . ••·•··· •..· ,. > i> }2{Bu;J~e, said unto them;, I. hav-e meat to .eat that 'ye kn<>W; ~9t of. .. .. ,. ,J3rsfllerefore said the disciples one to artot~er, liath anyinan ~rought him aught to eat? . ·. •···.•·•·•.. ,5· f4 ..fe~S•sait~. ~~to themJ My me~t isto dQ fhe ,.w,;illr,(ljim th't sent rtter.an.d. to fi,nish his work•. ;,/. \.ff:tS~Y: rtt?txe~·-:p1i~l'e at.e yet four .months, and .·~•~ ::\•;tp~~t~€lffl ··· h~ryestfl,~hold, I say unto youflift {,-~Pr~u , ..·... a~lj:l(?ok/onthe iields; for they are ~< C~lit~ tJM~lit' l"' foir-vest. . . . .·.· . . ....·, . ....•. ... . .• .. .. ,, . . •.. ' :"'ti:e ~al!, reapetli receiv~th wa·ges, 'and ·. .·.··••·••••· .. •...·•· .th,.ftuit unto; life eternal:• that bot.h he that . ~bW~th and he dtat reapethnuy reJoic~ 1 togetper. ' ;,}37,A:nd herein is that saying true~ One SOW;eth, ~nd'. andthet>r~apeth~ . .
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