

CHAPTER 8. esus went unto the mount of Olives. i ,A.nd e.\rly ·. i11 . the m<lriiing he came again u;ito the· temple, ?lld all t~e people c11~e mito him; 1tnd lie sat down, an~. t.aqght. them. . ·.. 3,· &id the. sc,ribe$ and _Phatisees brought unto hb,n a woman taken 'in aduh:ery; anq. v.rhen they had sei. herin the midst, · . · .... . .. . • · 4 t4~Y say unto him, ,Mt1,ster, this woman '.\Vas taken in ·.id:ub:ery, in.the .very act. 5 Now :Moses .in the la'.\V commanded us, tliit such should be stoned: but wn;it sayest; thou? ... ··•· · 6 · This they.said, tempting lµm, that they 11US9t. have :to acctt~e. hi111. But Jesus stooped d<>wnt ahd. with his finger..'.\\'rote on the groundf as thcnigh he heard them not, 7 So when they co11tinue4 asking him;he lifted up himself, and said unto the~, He tllat is without sin among you, let him :first cast a stqne at her~ 8 .. And again he stooped down, and wrot~ on the ground. . . . 9 · And. they which heard .it, .being convicted by their .own conscience, went 9ut op.e by one, beginp.ing at the eldest, even unto the last: ana Jesus. was left a1one, and. the woman standipg . ill the.midst. · 1 o \When Jesus .had lifted up himself, and sav.r none but the woman, he said unto her, .Woman, wheie a-re those 1:hine a.ccusers? hath no man con~ demnc~d thee? ll Sile said, No man, Loni. A~d Jesus .sai~ llll,t:O her, Neither do l condemn thee: go, and ~in. ~<> .more, ;i .. ' . • .·• . . • •JtTlieii, spakeJesui; ig1iin unto th~m, ·sayjn.~~ Jam fpeJig4t Qf the w:orld; ;h,e that,followeth,~e ., >·. ··. .·· . • ... :~f:.i: ..... ' ·. . .

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