

which. i.s dead? and the prophets are tfoa9r~~~ makestJhou thyself? ·.· ..· .· . . ... ·.• ,tr · . 5 4 Jesus answered, 'If I honour l11.Y~lt~ m,y; ·hoiiouris nothing: it i~ myFath~rthathonQul'etlf me; ,pf wh<>nlYe say., that hejs your Godt ·•·· 5J. Yet>ye have ll()t>ip.owµ himr but J knoiv liim.: aud #1 :should say,J ~o'Wi;hun n~tf l ~hi:\11 he<a liarJike 1,mtq .you:· but I ktiow; him, a,id kee.p. liis. sayiµg. ·. .. .. . ·.··. · · .. .i... . , .· 1 · 5 6 Y<>ur fathel' Abraham rejhiced to see niy day:< ~nd he saw it,a,nd was &la3: ... ... .. .. 57; 'l'h~n. said the Jews ~to.lum, Tllou •a,rt. not. yet fifty y_ears old,.alld hast.·thou•seen Abraham? . JtLJesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I 'say unto.you,.Before~A.br:;1bam was,I am,·.·. .... · .. 59 Then<•toq,k .they llp .ston,es to cast at him! but Jesus hi4 hiinself, and went.our of .the J:emple, going .through the midst of them, ancl so p'-'ssed by.

. . . .




.. ·. .. . CHAPTER 9. . ··..·· .. . . .nd "8 Jesu/i ?;ISS<!d 1,y, he saw~ in""' which was.ijliitd !tom his birtli.-·.·· .· . .·". . .·•. . z.• . A.lid. hi~ .•disciples as~ed · him, ~yin,g; Master, wh<> did sill; this man, or his parents, that he was oo bl' d' ·. . . , .. . . . .i.u ... ,.in ... • . , . . .. . . , . .. . .. . 3 J~u~!~nswered, Neit~wr hath this man. ~illll~d?, no~ his J:?arents: i?ut tpaf the works ofGod,should · he mide ~.i11if e.st in, hil11., . .· . . . .. .... · 4 I must work:,the ,works. of hi~. tha~ ~llt Jne, while itjs day:. the. IJ.ight cometh; wh~nJlO. man ca.u WQrk; . . ·... . ··•• ..... ···•··. . .···· ·· .. · · .•. 5 .·~iongas 1··amm.the world,\fam. the)igbt. <>£ 1'.tlle world. - ... ·... .. . ..·. · t \Vh;!l he J;iad,itlius ~pok~n, he~spat 9,t}>tl\k · grounc.l, aµd niade clay 0£ the ~pit~Xe" and•..~e . :ap.olllted.the·ey~s of theJ,lirid tnan w:ith the cl11,y. ·~ .····.•.. . . ... ·• .. · ·.. .85 . ·. . ·.·.. .. . . ..·... .' ' '~'' f'.\:'

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