7: And said unto him, 'Go, wash in the pool of Si.loam~ (wltlch is by interpretation, .Se11t.J He wettt his way therefore, a11d washed, and came seeh'lg.: ·. .. ··•··· . •. .. .. 8 ,}he 11eighoours therefore~ and, they wltlch before ha4 se~n him that he was blind~ said,· Is noi this h~ that sat ~mtbegiecl? .. .. . .•. ... ..... . . ..·" . .·.···• ' 9 Some ~ai~ Thi~: is)ie~ .others' saidt fle is 1ike him: fj~lfie s~id,lam he, 10 'fhfrefore said they iintcf him, How were thine eyes. opened? · .· .· . .. .·. . .•. 1 l He answered. and said, A man that is Galled Jes\lS made day, and. anoirtted mine eyes, and said unto n1e, Go to th~ pool of Siloam, and wash: and• I. went. and washed7 and· l received sight. 12 .Then said they.unto him, Where is he? He said, l know not.... ll 'they hrought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind. 14 And it\vas 1 th<.! sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes~ · .. . 15 Then again the Pharisees also asked him how .. he hadrec~ived his sight. He said Ullto them, He put clay.upci~ mine eyes, andl washed, and do see. . 16 Therefore said some: ofthe Pharisees, This m,an is not: of · God, because. he keepeth not the sabbath day•. Others said, How can· a .man that is a s.inner do such miracles? And there was. a divisionamong them. ·. . .. . . . . 1.7 They say .unto ·the blind ,man.again, .What sayest thou of him,that he hath opened thine eyes? He, said~ He is a prophet. . . . . .. · · 18 J\ut th.e .· Je'WS" did not believe concerning him, that he h~d been blind,· and received hi~ sight, u:n~il they called the .parents of him' that had received his ~ight. .. . . ·. . .· . . 19 And they.asked them,, saying, I~ this your son., who ye say :was. born blind? how rhen do~h he 36
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