now see? . · 20 J-Iis parents answered them and said, ?'e know that this is our son, and that he was born blind: .. . 21 But ·by what means he now seeth, .we ,kn9w not; or wbo hath opened .his eyes, we know not: he is qf ~ge~ ask him: he .shall speak for hiniself, 22 .These words spake his parents,. beca~e they feared the lews: for the Jews .had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he ·should .·be put out of .. the 'Sfnagogue. · · 23 Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him,·· · . . ' 24 Thenagain called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give ·God. the praise: · we \know ;that this man is a sinner. 2 f' He an,swered and said, Whether he a sinner hr no, I know not: <me thing I know, that, whereas 1 was blind, now l see. · 26 Then said. they __ to. _him• again,· What did he. to thee? h<>w opened, he thine.eyes? .. • .• 27·. He answered then.1,_.1.have told Y.Oll.already; and ye .did not hear; wher~fore "7ould ye .hear it again? will ;ye al50 pe Ns disciples? 28 'fhep. they reviled liim,. aJJ.d said, -Thou art his disciple; but we are ~qses' ·disciples. i9 We,know that God spake unto Moses: as fpr 'this fellow, we know not from whence he is. ·· 3 o The ma:o. answered .a:nd-.,said .unto them, Whr her.ein is a marvdlQus thing, that· ye know· not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened, mine eyes. . n·_--Now we know·-that .God heareth not sin- ners: bµt if any man be a worshipper of GQd, and doeth ]us will, him he heareth. . .·. . .. .\·. . 32 Sinfe the world began was it n<>t heard 31,1.y.m'.a11 opened tbe eyes of ohe tliat was pqr,n b.l.. i •·:;J_ •. . ·" . . . . µ~,
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