• .... }3 lfthiJ m~n were not of,God~. he c~uld.dri ·nothing.• · 3f 'they answered. and said unto him~ Thou wast ·:1ltogetherJrorn in sins, ·and ·dost thou teach us? +\ml]~ey cast him out .· ..· ·~l·Jesus hei¥d tfott they Iiad cast hitn out; and whcil,heil~.a fottn~ him, he said unto him, Dost dioll l,elieve o~.the· Sqn o:fGod} . .·····.· , .. · .. · · 3, ~ :fl~ at1~were~~and said, Who is h.fj Lord, tltat. 1 ~ight· believe Oil hill\? ..·.·•.•.. .. . .· 37 • .A.n&Jesus said t1t1to him,Thou hast both seen hitn, andit is he· that talketh with thee. 38 Anfhe said, Lord, I believe. And he wor- shipped him.. .. .. .•··. . .. . . · • 39 And. Jesus. said, For judgment I am come ·into this world, that they w-hich see not might. see; and ~hat they which see might be made blind. 40 And se>me of the Pharisees which were.with · him heard these words 1 .·and said unto him, Are we blifid. also?.. • 41 Jesus ·said µnto them, u·yewere blind,.ye should have no sin: but. now ye say, We. see; thefofore your sin remaineth. ·~···.·,<> ··. ' . . . . ·• • ·.•···.·. CHAPTER 10. · . \. erilyr verily, lsay unto you, lie that en- tereth not by the. door into the. sheepfold, but~ clin1beth up some. other way, the same is a thief arid a robber. 2 Bt1t. he that en•tereth in by die door is the shel'hercfof.the sheet;,. ·. . . . ·,; ·T<> him. the porter openeth; and th~ sheep hear his voic~: and he calleth his own sheep by -nanie, ~na leadeth them out.. . . .. . . 4 An.cl w~~n he putteth forth his· own sheep, he goedi' be.fore> thein, and the sheep follow hinn · for they know his. voice. . 38
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