t~z:itus. .. f ...·.. .· . . ' ' . ·•. , 6 Whe11, he h~d heard therefoi,-e that he was. sick, .he\ abooe .two.. days. still in t.he same place where he was; . . . . . . . . , 1 .. · • 7 °Thel}::a£ter>that saith he tq his. disciple~; let us, gg int~ Judea. again. . , •. . . . . . . ·. 8 J:Iis disciples s~y u11to him, Master, the Jews ot lat;e'SOllgliftostonethee;.and goest thou thidu~r , a~in?' .·.....·· ·.·.· . .···.. .....·......• 9· Jesus ah$'\Verea,. Are. there not> twel"'e .hours ih th~ claytlf:anymanwalk in the day, he ~tum-- bletltn()tfbecause he seeth the light-of this world. 10 But if'. a man walk in the nighti he stum-- hleth, b~caµ;e there . is .no light. in him'. 1fJhese things said h~: ~nd after that he saith unto them;· Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that.lmay awake him out of sle~p. l2 Tfieri said<his discipl~; Lord, if he sleep, he shat.I do well. • .· . . .·•· . . p Howkeit Jes~s spake of his cleath: but. they th6ught th.at he had spoken of taking of rest. in sleep. .· . . . ' 14 Then. said Jesus unto tliem plainly, Lazarus 1s dead: 2 . · ..·. ·.··• .1J. A!tdlam glad for your sakes thatlwasftot there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let' us go unto him; . ..· . ... .·· .· 16 Th.en said Thomas, which is calledDidyll)us, ?1.1to his fellow 'disc.iples, let us also go, that we may. aiecwith,him. 17 Then .when Jesus came,. he found that he · had lai:n in die grave four days already• .. . 18 Nowc(Betha1:1y was nigh unto Jerusalem, about ii!teen. Jurlongs ·off: · . . . · 19' 1\n,d rtt:J~y of the Jews came to Martha and Mafy,. to, ¢otnfoi:t them ~oncerning ·their· brother:~ 20. The~:¥~rtha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming,: .. went and. met hlm: -but ...Mary sa.t ' ', ' ', ,-' ' ,' \\ ' ', \'
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