
<3od, and wen~ t() Gdd; ··• ~tH.e'ris~th.fror.n sup,per,.and laid' asiqe, his gatmentsf ~nd.· tQdlt ·a ~owel, at1d. gird~d hiniselt f 4,fter·.~h~the pouret~'.Water in.to a basin, .and pegantO"\y~sht~tglisciples'.:feet,.andfowip~thetn wiili the> tov.rel ifrerewith'h~• was girded. ·! .. .. .··. ~ ~en co~et;h:. he ·to Simon. Peter: .~nd Peter saith ~to ~~; ;Qrd, dost thou wa~l) my feet? ·• .. 7<}eS\1$tt~~'Y~red·~nds~id.unto.hl~, WhatJ do' thou ltnowestnotn0,w; but thou shalt know her~- • L:. ••••: : .. \•,· i .. . . ai:ter•. ,.. .:•,:: • ... ,, ·· .· : .••· . .·sSPeiet;s.ij~ unto·li~, ·thou shalt.11~-ver.wash my •feet. J~sufariswered him,If I.wash thee no~, th()u Bast. no•part with me~. ... .. 9 Sim91:1. Peter. saith unt?'. him, lord, .not iµy . feet onl~, bttt, hlsq: iµy ~a~ds and my:,h~ad..· JO J~$us'sa~tohiw, He that is washed.needeth notsav:eto~ashhisfeet,b~t is dean e\terywhit: and ye are dean, but not all.. • 1l For he. knew who should betr~y him; there- fore said he, ¥ e are not all dean. .· 12 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his ~arm.en:ts, and .was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what.Iha-ve done to you? 13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; fof SC> I am. J4 If I · th~n, your Lord and . Master, ha-ve washed your :feet; ye also ought to wash one an- other's teet. · ·· . >15 For l ha-ve .given· you an example, that ye· should no ~s 1 ha-ve do,rte to you. ll) Verily~>verily, l say unto you, The servant is not gt~t,r than his lord; neither he that is sent greatt;r ~~ail he that senthu;n. . . . · 17:J:f y¢kn~wthese things, happy ;ire ye if ye do t!tMrtr >.· .. , . . .•.. .. . 18 Jsp~atlno~ of you all: I know whom I have chosen:. but that the Scripture may be<fulfi~I~,. • • 6 •50 . . .

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