lie that eateth .bread with 111e hath liftedr¥~;his heel against me. , ·.·.· .· .. · > • \ \ < 19. Now. l tell you before it C()me, .that, whe11 it is ~o1lle:to pass, ye may believe thatI an\h~'. . .··• 20 Yetily, veray, l say llllto y911~ :Eie t~at re~ · ceiveth· '!hpmsoever. I send ·receiyeth 111e;and .he that rec~iveth me receiveth him tl;iat· sent 11}~• ... 2l When Jesus had,th~ said, he '\Vas troubled in. ~pirit, and testifi~dJ and,said, Yerily,;verilyl 1 I say unto,you, that ~me of you shill ~tray,n~.•• 22 Th.en the disciples,!o~ked on,e on anpther, doubting of '\VbOm he spak~'o ·.· ..· .·•·· ..•; ; . ;, • " i3·,Now there wasleaqing on Jesus' ,bosom on,e of his disciples, '.Whom Jesuslovect . . ,, · .24. Siro,011 Peter therefore becion.ed to him, that he· should.ask who it sp.<>uld be of whom he spake:t . .· ·.. · . . . .25 He. then lying on Jesvs' breast saith unto him, Lord, wb,o .is it? . . . 26 Jesus ~n,swered, He .it is, t() who111 I shall give a sop, when. Lhaye·dippedJt. And,wheii,he had .dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Is~ariQt, the son of Simon. . . . g7 And after the sop Satau entered into hhn,. Then.said Jesus unto hhn, That thou doest, do quickly. ... •· .. . .·· . · ..· 28. Now lio .. man· a't ·the table· knew £or· what intent he spake this unto him. · · 29 For ·some ·0£ them thought, be~ause Jud,as had the bag, that: Jesus had ~aid unto him, Bµy those things that we have. need of against the feast; or, that he should give· something to the poof~ "", -, ,~ · 30 .• He then, received·. the sop, went immediately/Jut; and it was ni$h:t~ . . .·•·· i > .)1. The~fore, when he was gone <)Ut, J~u.s saia, N.ow is the Son ofman·glorified, and God is gl9tj- . fled \ ill Ollilll. . . .. . .· . . . . .·•.. : . .•·.
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