;, ' "\,' '<>\ .•·•···•····•~·;Th.at th~ saying·mi$ht.be fulfilled/\Y·~clilie.•·· Cspake, Of them .which ·thou gavest m,e have ll~ JlOn~. . .·· .. . · .· .. ..· .. ''\ . 10 Then SimQ11.P.eter .having ~ sword drew it, ·~rid smQt~ .. die high priest) servant, and ¢ut 'off :,lu$ rigllt\eat: •·:The ~rvant~ name was. Malclius: ll Then said Jes\!$ unt<>. Peter, Put .up. thy iw<u·d ,int<> the sheath. the>cup .w-hich iµy: Father • ll,at.h given me; shallI not drink,it? . . . .. · > :12 ·Then the bang and the captain andoffieers · :oftlieJew~ took Jesus; and bo\Uldhim, . ·• · 13.c.AAd led.hitµ•away to Ap.n,as fust; fot lie was fadie.r in law .to Caiaphas, which w-as the ~h priesF tli.at>saiµe year. . . ... ·· ·. ·... ··•·. . <\ . ·· l4 Now Caial)has ··was he, which g-ay~ ·c~\IDSel···· 'theJews, ••. thatitw-as.e:x:pedient that.oqeJ.nan should~ die fO(;~e~people. \ . . .. .· •. •·••··. ..· .••· 1; !J\mt S:illlq.n Pete~ follQw-ed Je$Us; and .fO • di!l anothetdisciple: tli~l disciv!e was known unw·. <ti}~ high priest, a°'d went in with Jesus uito .th~ .. . pa.Jae~ of~~ l}igh.,eri~t. •·· . . . ·. .·· ..... · •· lp :'.QlJ.t :P~tet st%>4. at the door· witb~ut.}lpen wen.t. oili that ~t~ei· .disciple, which was. lu1ovrn. µnto the wgh priest; a11d sp~ke unto her !hat k.ept the{\QQr, ~wdbt~µglitjn.Peter~ .. . ~ .... :,; J7>~eu.saith 0 the qam,sel. that.kept\t~e:door un~<> Peter,, .Art ll<;)t ·thou· al~o . one .of· this llUJ.~ ~s disc:ipJes? Ii~ saith,J'aiµ,n:ot. ..·... . . . \ < • · . 18 And the servants and oflicers.,stood. tne.re, . ·. :who\4aa,.inade ; use oftqals, .for it.was colg; ~nd lhey•iwar,med themselves:·.·. .tnd Peterstood ~tli th¢~, ant! warmed .himself. .·.. .. . ..··.. ·. . . ·...·- .. t9·The]#glipriest then askedJesus ofl\is dis~ c~ples; and 9£ his <,loctrine. ...•..· ' ·. . < . . .• ; .20 Jes"LJS· <~n~eted • h:iiµ, l ~gake openly to .the ...·. .. world; Jevertauthtiµ the. syna~og~, and·•~'th~ :, t~ple,.·••:whithel'·.. ~he·.Jevr~;alvraysr~f>rtr~99·m\.· secr~-=.Jt~ye l $~id nothJng. . . .6.3.}
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