
"c·•~~•~~j~1•t1i;t1~()~)~·Ji{~i~~:l t]iegisdpl~\·~t~~qing ... by, .. wh:om \.li~·JQv.-~cl~;;lje:~~~t,hi unfo, Ns;inotheti ~ otnalli :treliofcl fli:t.,sci~l : ·(i/\ ·..··· .·• .:27 ~eµ sait~.h~J() .. the• di~ciple,. Behol~ t~y•· ·indthert•·~11cl1rom·•·:i:hat.ho:ur .that disciple teok .. ,h~rc1u{t:q,his:;.~~~ Ii~~¢" . . . .·...... ·. .··. ,. '.· ... < : •zs;·.A:ft~~ thls,J~~usfnowing: that ~ll thi.iigs w-~te 11.~~:a(:c,01nplf~~~cl) ·. that the: Stiipt:ure mig~t be'iJ1lfilJ~cl, sajth, .l"tlHrs!'. .' ·•. .. ·..• .·.·. . . . \ .· .. .•· ·'49·•• ~o~•dr~ite ..• '\'as•.s~tl a'\Te~el ...• full·.9f: yi~eg~[ ,, an~ th~i :611~~.a sponge· -with vin~~~t, a11ij put jt upo~Jiysso~; anilputit 'to h1sinotltlt••<c .· ..·. >, ··... ·:.J<J WJten J~sus.therefore 1 pad r:e'ceived .the vi11.- .e ~~r, ~es~i:cl.,Jt•isfittish~1.:, and .• he bowed ~is. headt, ... andg:ive u~'.theg~ost. ..•·.•·•.· .. ·.... •.•.. / i •• ·. · .· ··• .••: 3r: tt'li~:J:ers tlierefor¢ 1 l?ec;ause.iy~a~ the prep- .• a~~tigff tlj~~• ~h~t~9dies••·sliopld 11ot 1 fefn~in,upo~ ~he,·~~os~ 4 o~i'.th~t~~t,&a.th1,d11y, ( foi t~at sab~th. q~Y:i)!!l~< ,~igfoaay~)··. b~soughti Pilate' that .~he.it legs ~1gfit be.• bi:olfon, .. and.•··th·at· ~hey. 111ight' ~e, ·. • taket1 away. . .. .· ·. . < ·.. ·· . > : . >'i:. : 1 ·• 12; Jhen came tlie ~ol?iers, and.brake t~~l~$s '. offB~ :6.rst,i and of the other: whi~h was cr:uci:6.ed · .. .. 'h.h. 'Wlt u ltil. .. . .\· .. >· •. •...· . . .... ··.· . . .·.··••··· }l>But when.they ·came 1 to Jesus,and.saw·that 1 he wa;s. dea4· ~Jr~adyj they brake. not.· hisJegs: J4 :@:ui one o-£ the soldiers \Vith a spea.; pierce<\ · h1s·iitle" andforthw#h .came tliere out•· blood and wafer.<\ •.. ·•· ·... · . ·.·.. . • ( .. ·. . .. ·. . .··•• ·• \ ~t;.:A11d'h~ tha,t saw it bare record, ~nd;liiir J~c~l'd is•true.;. a11dhe.knoweth;that he ~ith .fr1.t~f iji~t;~~/mi~t\l?efi~ye.. .. ......... ... . ..•. ; •.· .~. ;'16:, i~t ~h~~e• thfilgs were d?ne,, that. t~e Scrip-· . t,ure slfol)ld i be\funilled, A bOrte .of• him: shall .119~ he btQken. . , ...· .. .· .... ·. . .. .i .. ·.... , }7 And agai11.anofl1er· S~ripture. saith. 1:'hey shallJopk 01?-him whom they .pierced.. ;. .· ..... / . }8 And after thisJoseph ofArimathea; beipg eya.;

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