CPhT CONNECT™ Magazine - Mar/Apr 2021

table of Contents departments march - apr i l 2021

STAFF Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Mike Johnston, CPhT Associate Publisher Jayne Smilie Creative Director Peter Ian Fazon Editor Edgar Galvan Associate Editor Daniel Hignett Associate Editor Rhonda Chambers Production Manager Jon Mickelson Copy Editor Susan Lankford Director of Education Josh Cano, CPhT Member Services

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women’s health men’s health CHILDREN’S HEALTH Member spotlight

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Publisher’s Note News Briefs product news community rx health-system rx

Amer i ca’ s Op i o i d Ep i demi c : Update from Netfl i x ’ s ‘ The Pharmac i st ’ 16 Netflix’s documentary The Pharmacist follows the story of a New Orleans pharmacist, Dan Schneider, whose son was murdered in a drug deal gone wrong. Coupled with the pain from his son’s death, the sudden increase in high-dosage opioid prescriptions coming into his pharmacy led Schneider to combat New Orleans’s growing opioid issue. In the documentary, Schneider tells the story of his journey. He starts with the investigation into his son’s murder, which he eventually solved. He follows up by explaining how he worked with the FBI and DEA to bring down the doctor responsible for many of the prescription pills sold on the streets. It has been nearly two decades since the events of The Pharmacist have occurred. But still, the opioid epidemic continues to grow. Written by Edgar Galvan. Spec i alty Pharmacy at a Glance 22 According to the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP), A specialty pharmacy is a state-licensed pharmacy that solely or largely provides medications for people with serious health conditions requiring complex therapies. These include conditions such as cancer, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, organ transplantation, human growth hormone deficiencies, hemophilia and other complex or chronic conditions. Sheila M. Arquette, RPh, the President and CEO of the National Association of Special Pharmacy, likens a specialty pharmacy to that of a primary care physician and a patient who is experiencing a specialized problem. In a similar way, a specialty pharmacy is in a setting that focuses on managing patients with specialty pharmacy conditions by providing them with specific medications to better combat those conditions. Written by Edgar Galvan. cont i nu i ng educat i on : allerg i es or not? 26 Colds, allergic rhinitis, and sinus infections are some of themost common conditions for which patients self-medicate and initiate access to the health care system. Many individuals have difficulty differentiating these conditions as they all have similar manifestations and incorporate the same symptoms. However, it is vital to be able to distinguish between these upper respiratory disorders in order to take the appropriate treatment approach. Therefore, the purpose of this continued education program is to aid health care workers in appropriately identifying key differences between colds, allergic rhinitis, and acute bacterial rhinosinusitis and appropriately managing these conditions. Written by Hayden G., PharmD. ACPE UAN: 0384-0000-21-020-H01-T 2.0 contact hours

Taylor Mearidy Jessica Sanders


Robin Luke Anisha Rao and the Editorial Advisory Board

CPhT CONNECT PO BOX 683148 Houston, TX 77268 888-247-8700

Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official views of NPTA. No part of this publication is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something covered in this publication. The appearance of advertising or new product information does not constitute an endorsement by NPTA of the product(s) featured. CPhT CONNECT is a bimonthly publication. All rights reserved. Mar/Apr 2021. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent from the publisher.

CPhT CONNECT www.pharmacy technician.org


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