CPhT CONNECT™ Magazine - Mar/Apr 2021


T E S T Post Test Instructions: Completion of an online post-test with minimum passing score of 70% is required to be awarded CPE contact hours. To access the online post-test for this program, go to: www.pharmacytechnician.org, select “CE” from the navigation menu and then click on “Online CE”

9. Which of the following patients should avoid decongestants use or use only under the advice from their primary care provider? a. 23-year-old male with a history of epilepsy b. 50-year-old female with high cholesterol c. 73-year-old male with a history of cardiovascular disease d. 60-year-old male with a history of asthma 10. Which of the following patients are antibiotics most likely indicated for their condition? a. Patient that has had a sore throat with nasal congestion for 3 days b. Patient that has a cough with postnasal drip and watery rhinorrhea for 4 days that has slightly improved since initial onset c. Patient that reported initial clear and watery nasal secretions for the first couple of days with a sore throat with an associated low- grade fever (37.8oC), and now on day 3 the color of secretions changed to green d. Patient had an initial fever with associated cough, nasal congestion, thick-green rhinorrhea, and sore throat that improved and resided over 6 days and then had new onset of worsening symptoms and increased green nasal discharge on day 7. Patient comes to you with no improvement on day 9 11. Which of the following is not considered a risk factor for developing resistance when treating acute bacterial rhinosinusitis? a. A child in daycare b. Prior antibiotic use within the past month c. 60 years old d. A patient taking chronic prednisone therapy 12. What is the appropriate duration of therapy for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in adults without risk factors for resistance?

1. Which symptom is not common in allergic rhinitis? a. Pruritis of the nose/palate b. Conjunctivitis c. Thick and/or mucopurulent rhinorrhea d. Paroxysmal sneezing

2. What are some common aeroallergens that can trigger someone’s allergic rhinitis symptoms? a. Mold spores b. House-dust mites c. Diesel fumes d. All of the above 3. Which of the following is not a risk factor for developing allergic rhinitis? a. Positive reaction to an allergy skin test b. Early use of antibiotics c. Maternal smoking exposure in first year of life d. Lastborn status in the family 4. Which class of medications is typically the most effective and considered the first line in most patients with allergic rhinitis? a. Intranasal corticosteroids

b. Antihistamines c. Decongestants d. Cromolyn Sodium

5. Which of the following is considered a sedating antihistamine (1st generation)? a. Cetirizine b. Chlorpheniramine c. Loratadine d. Fexofenadine

a. 3 days b. 8 days c. 6 days d. 10 days

6. Which of the following is a common intranasal antihistamine? a. Azelastine

13. What is the appropriate duration of therapy for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in children with risk factors for resistance?

b. Diphenhydramine c. Brompheniramine d. Levocetirizine

a. 5 days b. 3 days c. 7 days d. 12 days

7. What is one of the major possible downsides of using intranasal corticosteroids in children, and what parameter should be monitored? a. Hypertension; blood pressure b. Increased lipid profile; cholesterol c. Growth inhibition; height d. Increased risk of seizures; brain imaging 8. Which antihistamine should not be used in children because of the possibility of paradoxical excitation? a. Fexofenadine b. Diphenhydramine c. Loratadine d. All of the above

14. Which drug is not routinely recommended in the setting of a common cold due to its lack of proven efficacy? a. Benzocaine b. Phenylephrine c. Guaifenesin d. Oxymetazoline 15. Which intranasal corticosteroid is a second-generation product and carries a lower risk of systemic effects because of markedly lower total bioavailability? a. Beclomethasone b. Fluticasone propionate c. Triamcinolone d. Budesonide

CPhT CONNECT www.pharmacy technician.org


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