
14A — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — Owners, Developers & Managers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


A rchitects /E ngineers

e hear the term “Integrated Proj- ect Delivery “used By Glenn Ebersole, P.E., Hollenbach Construction, Inc. Five major strategic reasons why a Design-Build Project Delivery System is chosen W construction projects. Con- struction projects have been 30 years experience with De- sign-Build, here are five (5) thinking response to owner demands for increased qual-

tinuous involvement of the entire design/construction team throughout the project. And project innovations can be uniquely developed by integrating the skills of the designer and contractor. 2. It saves time and money through the use of a strategic thinking process for develop- ing the budget, schedule and constructability of the project from the initiation of the project. Early contrac- tor involvement enables: construction engineering considerations to be incorpo- rated into the design phase and enhances the construc- tability of the engineered project plans; fast-tracking of the design and construc- tion portions of the project; concurrent design and con- struction phases for different segments of the project; the ability to get continuous cost updates using construction costs from current projects and communication efficien- cies and integration between design, construction engi- neering, and construction team members throughout the project schedule. 3. It provides a strategic approach to avoiding or certainly minimizing the probability of adversarial relationships and potential legal issues. Fewer change and extra work orders re- sult from more complete field data and earlier iden- tification and elimination of design errors or omissions that might otherwise show up during the construction phase. 4. It provides a strategic thinking response to de- mands for risk management. It provides a reduced poten- tial for claims and litigation after project completion as issues are resolved by the members of the design-build team. 5. It provides a strategic thinking approach to provide the ultimate level of flexibili- ty through a truly integrated team that is able to take on very challenging and com- plex building projects. Glenn Ebersole is Di- rector of Strategic Busi- ness Development and a member of the Strategic Leadership Team at Hol- lenbach Construction, Inc. in Boyertown, PA. n

in the con- s t r u c t i o n wo r l d t o - day. And in my opinion, “ D e s i g n - B u i l d ” i s the original and stands as the most

And in my opinion, “Design-Build” is the original and stands as the most consistently successful form of integrated project delivery for construction endeavors. History indicates that Design-Build has been used successfully on all types of construction projects.

Glenn Ebersole

completed in many different countries, large and small in scope, horizontal and verti- cal and simple and complex in their design and construc- tion. Reflecting upon more than

major strategic reasons that I believe are why owners and design and construction professionals choose a De- sign-Build Project Delivery System: 1. It provides a strategic

ity and a continuous im- provement commitment to the delivery system and the actual final project product. There is a greater focus on quality control and quality assurance through the con-

consistently successful form of integrated project delivery for construction endeavors. History indicates that De- sign-Build has been used successfully on all types of

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