
12B — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — Shopping Centers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal





OR TH P L A I N - FIELD, PA —Busi- ness appears to be Report on sales, traffic, jobs and more Levin Management’s Mid- year Retail Survey results N at the timeframe of March through May 2012, retail and food services sales were up 5.7 percent year over year.

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The property was sold for $600,000 by Wesley Cox, CCIM of Sperry Van Ness - Miller Commercial Real Estate in Salisbury, MD. The seller was represented by John McClellan, CCIM of Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate in Salisbury, MD. n “This is real, tangible progress,” noted Matthew K. Harding, Levin Manage- ment’s president and chief operating officer. “Last year, we saw a 50/50 split. Half our tenants were experienc- ing satisfactory sales perfor- mance, and the other half had discouraging sales and store traffic. While 2012’s results show we still have a way to go, the numbers clearly have gotten better.” Year-over-year national retail sales performance supports this claim. The U.S. Census Bureau’s ad- vance monthly retail and food services sales report for May 2012 (released June 13) showed a 5.3 percent gain fromMay 2011. Month- to-month comparisons do indicate a slight dip in na- tional retail sales during April and May 2012, fol- lowing an extended period of modest gains. Yet looking · At mid-year 2012, 62.9 percent of respondents said traffic is the same or higher than at this time last year; 36.9 percent said that few- er consumers are visiting their stores. At mid-year 2011, only 50.4 percent of respondents reported the same or higher traffic; 49.4 percent said that traffic was slower.

Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation

improv i ng for retailers, according to r e su l t s o f the annual m i d - y e a r survey con- duc t ed by Levin Man- a g e m e n t . Immediately

Clean Fill Testing

Hiring and expansion plans within Levin’s ten- ant base follow this posi- tive trajectory. Although retail employment growth has been modest, 26.2 per- cent of survey respondents reported increasing staff since January 1, 2012, and 36.1 percent expect to hire more employees in the next six months. The figures are up from last year ’s 12.6 percent and 26.7 percent, respectively. Additionally, 27.5 percent indicated that their companies will open more stores this year. n

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Laboratory Soils Testing

Matthew K. Harding

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SALISBURY, MD- Located on the west side of North Salisbury Blvd. at Ruark Dr, 1.04 acres of land has been purchased for development by an out-of-state developer. Approximately 4,000 s/f will be used to house a freestand- ing building constructed for AT&T Wireless. · At mid-year 2012, 64.2 percent of respondents re- ported the same or higher sales volume compared to this time last year; 35.7 per- cent reported lower sales. At mid-year 2011, 50.1 percent of respondents reported the same or higher sales; 49.8 percent reported lower sales. after Memorial Day, the re- tail real estate services firm polled store managers based within its 90-property, 12.5 million s/f shopping center portfolio, one of the largest in the Northeast United States with properties in a wide range of market areas. Approximately 250 partici- pated. The results indicate some significant, positive changes compared to last year ’s Levin Management mid- year survey:


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Cox & McClellan of Sperry Van Ness - Miller complete $600,000 land sale

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