A — July 27 - August 16, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
www.marejournal.com M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal For a 96,800 s/f industrial/flex property NorthMarq Capital arranges $2.2m mortgage financing
Commercial • industrial • Residential
illiamstown, NJ — Michael Aylmer, assistant vice presi-
HVAC • NETWORK • SOlAR pANEl iNSTAllATiON • SECuRiTy • CAmERA • SWimmiNG pOOl GROuNDiNG • FiREAlARm iNSpECTiON & iNSTAllATiON Contact: VINAY SHAH P: 201-488-6088 F: 201-488-6087 Email: shahelec@aol.com 123 Hudson St, Rear Bldg, Hackensack, NJ 07601 Fully Bonded & Insured License #11574
dent of NorthMarq’s Phila- delphia Regional office, and Doug Austin, vice president of NorthMarq’s San Diego office, cooperated to arrange acquisi- tion financing of $2.2 million for Monroe Commerce Center, a 96,800 s/f industrial/flex property located at 1031 Glass- boro Rd. in Williamstown. Financing was based on a 15-year term and a 15-year amortization schedule and was arranged for the borrower by NorthMarq through its rela- tionship with a correspondent life insurance lender. FOLCROFT, PA — Lieber- man Earley & Company as- sisted Service By Air in nego- tiating a lease agreement for 14,671 s/f of flex space located at 514 Kaiser Dr. in Folcroft, PA (shown right). Bill Wilson, a senior sales as- sociate with Lieberman Earley & Co. arranged the multi-year lease agreement with Service By Air, the tenant, while Scott
Monroe Commerce Center
“This transaction was a low- leverage non-recourse acquisi-
tion loan that required a quick close,” said Aylmer. n
Wilson of Lieberman Earley & Co. negotiates lease totaling $334,000 for 14,671 s/f flex space
Henderson of Grubb & Ellis, assisted the owner, Barthco Associates, in this multi-year
transaction. Aggregate rental of the lease was in excess of $334,000.
68-Unit MFH Apartments for Sale Westgate Apartments Washington, NJ Block 6 Lot 11.01 + 11.02
Sales Price - $2,000,000 Repair/Rehab Loan for immediate capital needs will be given Bids for less than Minimum will not be accepted Bids are due August 17, 2012 by 4:30pm NOT FOR PROFIT PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN Terms-Property is being sold in the USDA, Rural Development SecƟon 515 MFH Program RestricƟve-Use provisions will be placed on the property Agency Financing is available and applicants must qualify under the federal guidelines For An ApplicaƟon/Details/Visits to the property contact, Donna L. O’Brien, Senior Area Specialist at 609-267-1639, Ext: 126 or donna.obrien@nj.usda.gov
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