PCOA Area Plan 2024-2027

Partnerships follows up with the contractor to ensure contract compliance moving forward.

10. How has the agency coordinated activities and long-range emergency preparedness plans along with local emergency response agencies, local governments, state agencies responsible for emergency preparedness and other entities involved in disaster relief? PCOA participates in and takes seriously emergency preparedness for various other emergency situations including natural disasters like flooding from monsoons or summer fires, power outages, and other emergencies that may impact the lives of older adults and supportive and health services they need. Select PCOA staff are members of the Medical Reserve Corp of Southern Arizona (MRCSA). MRCSA is a program that strives to improve the health and safety of communities across the country by organizing and utilizing public health, medical personnel, and other volunteers to supplement existing emergency and public health resources during local emergencies. In addition, PCOA continues to participate in community coalitions and collaborations regarding emergency preparedness, as requested, including the Power Outage Emergency Roundtable. Moreover, PCOA staff have contact with the Pima County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and participate in planning processes for disaster relief. PCOA, through its Community Services System, works with the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) contractors to develop disaster prevention and response plans that are included in contract documents and service methodologies; providing technical assistance; and coordinating information and resource distribution. The PCOA Community Services System has identified and maintains a listing of case managed individuals who would require evacuation assistance should the need arise. The lists are maintained by the case manager and by zip code to quickly identify these individuals by location within the county. PCOA departments coordinate the dissemination of advance preparation information appropriate to the target population throughout Pima County, whether through pamphlets, fliers, posters, newsletters, or email. PCOA’s extensive community network of elected and appointed officials continues to allow the organization to provide emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with the Pima County Health Department, PCOA has procured vital personal protective equipment to keep employees and clients safe from the spread of infectious diseases. This partnership also allows PCOA the continued opportunity to provide input, support, and partnership to the COVID- 19 vaccination efforts. Specifically, PCOA’s President & CEO sits on the Pima County Health Department’s Ethics Committee, the Governor’s Long -Term Care Task Force, and various other local and statewide committees and commissions to represent the rights and needs of older adults. Regardless of the situation, PCOA’s Board of Directors, Advisory C ouncil, and dedicated staff stand ready to adapt community-based services and services methodologies and work with contractors to serve older adults and their caregivers in the event of an emergent situation.

Region II: PCOA

Area Plan 2024-2027

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