PCOA Area Plan 2024-2027

Representatives included organizations specifically targeting the LBGTQI+ community, individuals living with specific physical and cognitive disabilities, as well as those with behavioral health needs. There was a mix of agencies that only serve older adults, those that have older adult programming, and those that serve older adults within their general client population.

Listening Sessions

Service needs, concerns and advocacy issues were identified at eleven listening sessions held in various locations throughout Tucson, Green Valley, Marana, and Ajo. Each meeting included one or more of the Agency staff, P COA’s Board of Directors , or members of the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council. Notice of these meetings was sent to newspapers and radio stations, an article was published in “Never Too Late” and the information was distributed to senior clubs, organizations, centers, and service providers in the area. Approximately eighty (80) individuals attended and shared their comments and concerns. Participants were asked to brainstorm current issues they are facing, issues they expect to encounter as they age, and services they expect to need in the near-term and future. Input from all the Listening Sessions was compiled into 10 overarching themes: advocacy/information, isolation/loneliness, caregiver needs, housing, healthcare, end of life, home repair, technology, transportation, and ageism.

Community Health and Aging Survey

PCOA developed a survey tool that asked respondents about topics related to several areas of their lives: at home, in their neighborhood, in their community, access to healthcare, their health, and about themselves (demographics). The survey ’s fifty (50) questions were meant to provide a comprehensive view of the respondent’s life as seen through their eyes. The survey was available in English and Spanish, in print, via SurveyMonkey (with many links through social media, web sites, and QR codes in publications), and a phone number was provided for anyone who wanted a PCOA staff person to conduct the survey over the phone. Various community partners distributed the survey to their clients and visitors. PCOA mailed surveys to all Health and Community Based Services clients, anyone helped through PCOA’s Rights & Benefits, Family Caregiver Support, and Home Repair programs, and anyone else requesting copies. Over 3,500 completed surveys were received.

4. Describe the methods used to ensure that the views of the following populations were considered:

PCOA strategically used outreach opportunities through their vast networks of media outlets to ensure that the opportunity for input was widely available to Pima County’s older adults and their caregivers.

● Older individuals with the greatest economic and social need, with particular attention to low-income minority individuals and individuals residing in rural areas:

Region II: PCOA

Area Plan 2024-2027

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