PCOA Area Plan 2024-2027

Continued provision of transportation subsidies to low- income and/or ADA eligible older adults attending metro area congregate socialization and nutrition centers as well as some subsidies to rural van providers. The City of Tucson’s public transit system has been providing service free of charge to all riders since March 2020 as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 9, 2023, the City Council voted to extend fare-free transit at least until the end of calendar year 2023 while they work with local businesses, colleges, and universities on a permanent solution to fare-free public transit. PCOA will use the first six months of this Area Plan to create a strategy to increase transportation options in rural areas. It will then use the remaining three years and six months to implement that plan, again, depending on the City’s decisions on fare-free transit. The Outcome/Output provided in this Action Step apply to the City’s expected return to charging fares for using the transportation system. Provide services in rural areas including maintaining or expanding relationships with rural transportation providers.

Vice President for Health & Community Partnerships

Outcome: •

Ensuring that older adults have increased access to transportation to help clients receive congregate meals. Number of rides provided by general transportation – 15,000 rides.

Operations – for survey development and tracking

Output: •


Vice President for Health & Community Partnerships

Outcome: •

Maintain available services in Pima County for older adults – documented through print/web/social media announcements and/or

Maintain and expand staff and service presence, and

Director of Caregiving &

Region II: PCOA

Area Plan 2024-2027

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