PCOA Area Plan 2024-2027

meetings per year with at least two different jurisdictional levels. Legislative action taken by elected officials. Documented collaboration between PCOA and other community partners – meeting minutes will show PCOA attendance and participation. Output: PCOA staff will participate in at least three different organizational meetings each six months. The creation of a strategic approach to outreach in rural communities – written plan completed. The implementation of a strategic approach to outreach in rural communities – action steps as written in the plan are carried out. Number of earned and paid media contacts in rural communities – 48/yr. Number of events attended and/or visits by PCOA staff in rural

Collaborate with community organizations to support and facilitate community responses to aging issues, such as the Elder Alliance, the Southern Chapter of the Arizona Fall Prevention Coalition, the Social Connection Network, the Behavioral Health and Aging Council, and other coalitions that address community needs.


Vice President for Operations (responsible for data collection from various programs involved in this Action Step)

Outcome: •

Increase outreach efforts to older adults in rural communities – visits (presentations, clinics, etc.) and visits by case managers.

Plan to be completed by 12/31/2023 Implementa tion will be ongoing

Vice President for Operations (responsible for data collection from various programs involved in this Action Step)

Outcome: •

Output: •

Region II: PCOA

Area Plan 2024-2027

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