The Keenan Group Inc. is a full service advertising and marketing company that has been in business since 1980. For over 40 years we have specialized in the newspaper circulation and marketing industry nationwide. As marketing professionals, we also provide services to other industries as well. I, having been a county school board official in the 90’s, have a vested interest in schools as well as quality education for our kids. In 2012 - 2014 we pubishsed Kidsville News , a supplemental educational publication, free to all students in an effort to service the children of both Cheatham and Robertson counties. In Cheatham County with the Mayor, we initiated the first Cheatham County Mayor’s Back to School Bash , an effort to provide free school supplies to families in need. The Cheatham County Mayor’s Back to School Bash continues today under the direction of the Cheatham County Chamber of Commerce. With the partnership of Cheatham County’s T.D.O.T. Litter education grant and local business sponsors it has been possible to provide this valuable litter education program, “ Let’s Talk Trash News! ,” which is delivered to all K-8th grade students with additional distribution through post offices, grocery stores, sponsor locations, as well as other business locations, every other month within the entire county. Currently, Let’s Talk Trash News! is the largest circulated newspaper in Cheatham county publishing 12,800 copies designed to enhance litter education and awareness, promote good citizenship, provide environmental awareness, and stress the importance of personal responsibility. The publication has proven to be a fun and valuable educational resource for teachers and kids alike. Each issue is packed with fun activities and extraordinary information relating to conservation and recycling. All subjects are presented in ways that get kids involved, literature, history, art, science, math, and much more. Every other year, Let’s Talk Trash News! spearheads a countywide, K thru 12 grade Museum of Litter art project highlighting the negative impact litter has on the community and environment. High school students construct an architectural base out of wood, which is delivered to every school for decoration with “found litter” in our community. The school year 2013 - 2014 was the first year for this project and showcased an iris, the Tennessee cultivated flower, Iris Tennessee Cheatham . Tennessee’s wild flower, the passionflower, was combined with Tennessee’s agricultural insect, the bumblebee, and was appropriately named, Bee Passionate Tennessee Cheatham during the school year of 2015-2016. School year 2017-2018 featured Bass Tennessee Cheatham showcasing the state’s sporting fish, the small mouth bass. After the completion of each art project cycle, all works of art were displayed at the Museum of Litter at the Cheatham County Courthouse lawn. A public auction was held with 100% of the proceeds being returned to the schools thus raising over $7,800 for the schools. In addition to the printed publication and bi-annual fund raising art project, a Facebook page has been created that offers more information and on-line flip book editions. Teachers have the ability to put this on their classroom white boards. Thank you for your interest in Let’s Talk Trash News! Kind regards,

Debbie Keenan, Publisher 615-746-2443 email: debbiekeenan2010@gmail.com 25 Golf Club Lane • Ashland City, TN 37015




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