May 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S
took her Bible and answered every argument he put forth from the Ward, and when he left, he remarked, “ Well, you know your Bible.” He never had the courage to call again. She and her boy are standing true, and are praying for the conversion of the wayward husband and father, and we believe he too will yield his stubborn will to the Lord in due time. The Lyceum and Eteri Clubs The purpose of the Lyceum and Eteri Clubs is by no means to offer a substitute for the services of the Church, but to help train young, women for more efficient service in their own churches and especially to reach girls who can not at the first be reached by the church. The Club idea will often appeal to some who would be frightened by the mention of a Bible class. One lady who recently moved to the community could see no reason or place, for such a Club, feeling the organizations of the Church were suf ficient, but after a house to house canvass to interest young women in a class she was starting she was confronted with sp much indifference, and opposition, and difficulty, she came back with great enthusiasm for the Club, realizing we are living in days when, in many communities, it is grow ing more and more difficult to win and hold young women for the Lord. The mid-winter conference for the Lyceum-Eteri. Clubs was held at the Bible Institute early in January. The girls came in good numbers from all the Clubs. Their hearts were open for a blessing and they received it. Twenty girls consecrated their lives to the Lord during the day and in the days that followed, others came to lay their lives on the altar as a result of the messages and of the contact with other consecrated young women who manifested some thing in their lives that made them hungry for a deeper experience. A girl had been coming to one of the Clubs for many months but had never surrendered to Him. One night some of her friends were gathered in prayer and while uniting their hearts in prayer for this girl, the phone bell rang and someone at the other end of the line told the joyful news that the girl had just surrendered in the Club meeting and was happy in Him. “ Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” Resting and Reaping Not once does the Bible tell us to magnify our own work, but in Job 36:24 we are thus enjoined:%^“ Remember that thou magnify His work.” God is the real worker, ourselves but instruments. Having recently been laid aside for six months on account of illness, it has given a blessed oppor tunity to witness God’s working along three definite lines. First in supplying. The need in this case, was for teach ers, in order that the Euodia Clubs already organized might be continued, and that new clubs might be formed and pro vided with leaders. How good it seemed to know that His hand was being laid upon this one and that one who for longer or shorter periods had been receiving instruction in God’s Word in our classes, until six faithful young women had responded and the need was supplied. We were also shown in many ways how He was conserv ing th.e work begun long before. One instance will suffice: A girl from a Christian Science family was one of a group to attend the Euodia Conference at Pacific Palisades in Mareh, 1923. She there listened to an earnest Gospel mes sage and accepted Christ as her Saviour. Upon returning
home, the adverse influence in her home soon seemed to be stronger than her purpose to follow Christ; she dropped out of the Club and apparently her start in the Christian life had been but mere profession, but God was doing the work, and having begun, no home influence was strong enough and no human will weak enough to defeat His purpose Only recently we learned that the whole family had for saken Christian Science, while the daughter had again made public her acceptance of Christ, was baptized and received into membership in an evangelical Church. Again, we have learned that our Lord is at work preparing. As strength returned to the worker who had been laid aside, there was laid upon her heart a sense of the impera tive need for more Bible teachers and a desire to form a class to meet just that need. Expressing this desire to others, it was but to find that God had been preparing a class for an eager teacher, by creating in many hearts a great desire to know and understand the Bible that they may be able to teach it to others. Among those whom He has thus awakened is a lady of fine education; (before mar riage, a teacher by profession) of charming personality and high social position. A few months spent last year in our Sunday morning class the Lord awakened her love for His Word. He caused her to drink it in and sent her back to her Canadian home to substitute for a time as teacher of a Bible class, the regular teacher of which was President of a Normal School, and a Modernist in his religious views. Having given her testimony there to the authority of God’s Word, He brought her back again to her girlhood home, and we found her with increased eagerness to study, with heart and mind all. prepared to receive, that she may be made more efficient as a dispenser of the riches and truth of the Word of God. I m m SPANISH W O R K Robert H. Bender, Supt.—Gospel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season.” “ To every man his work.” a taste of the joy of salvation, are anxious to tell it out. Recently we have formed a “ One-a-day-League.” The mem bers are supposed to carry tracts or a Gospel in thier pocket, and endeavor to give at least one tract or Gospel a day to a sinner. It has hardly been necessary to form such a league,, because the converts themselves have been anxious to let others know the source of their joy and contentment. One- of the women converts related to us that there are many tramps that come to her door asking for something to eat and after she feeds them, she has a tract and a Gospel to- give! them. The Lord has crowned .our service with several conver sions the past month. In a new colony we had not before visited we found several who were interested to hear the message and on our second visit, while speaking to them about receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, even before the in vitation was given, they told us they wanted to receive Him as their Saviour. God had answered our prayer and pre pared them to receive Christ, and how these dear ones do rejoice, and when we visit them again, testify to the joy of salvation which they have received. praise God for the above Scripture for it author- zes all who have become partakers of His grace o preach the Word. It gives us great pleasure o record that the converts, when once they have
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