K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May 1924
Dear reader, we do not doubt this is true. We hear many just such tales. What would you tell a lad in such a case as that? If he was your boy, what would you want him to hear? We told him there was One who loved him and could comfort in such hardships. We told him of One who some day would rule in righteousness. We told him of a hell for just such men as that captain who, because of a wicked, selfish, greedy heart, refused to let Jesus rule his life. How glad we were that we knew of such a Saviour who loved the poor, the sin sick and weary ones. We showed him passages for comfort and cheer, and we were glad we had such a One to talk about. One other day, in the evening, we took two lads to visit a Boy’s Club, where a good supper is served and then a Bible lesson is taught. We heard them discuss with one another the merits of different shipping • companies. “ On that ship, (giving the name)” said one of the men, “ we had butter for our bread, we could have a cereal with milk for our breakfast, and twice a week we got eggs for break fast, and every Sunday a nice dinner, occasionally chicken stew. A fellow feels like working on a ship like that.” Reader, we tell you these instances, and we ask you, con trast the living conditions of some of these men with those of your own home. Then ask Him what you can do. Surely you can pray. We know that what these men, as well as men on land, need most is to know the Lord Jesus. How will they know that “ our light affliction is but for a mo ment, and worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” unless they know Him, and how will they learn of Him unless some one tells them? Some friends have assured us of their intercession, others have had us speak in their churches, giving stereopticon pictures of the work. Thus interest is aroused and prayer is promised. We would be glad to hear from any churches in the vicinity of Los Angeles who would be interested in such a meeting. We believe God has a rich blessing for all who will enter into such service, and we want you to share in such blessing.
ing its message he had hidden it away in the bottom of his trunk. Only a week ago his sister had urged upon him the acceptance of the Lord Jesus. So the faithful words spoken to this open heart brought joy on earth as well as in heaven. Still another prodigal passing by had been told that his sin was so great that he had forfeited every possible hope of forgiveness, and confessed for six months his life had been hell. When, however, the blessed advocacy of his Great High Priest was made plain the joy which flooded his soul; was clearly noticeable. Another fair-haired, blue-eyed lad listening attentively to the message was personally dealt with by a winner of souls, and discovered to be a Hebrew, but upon returning home and telling his father and mother he had truly found Him of whom Moses and the prophets did write, the perse cution at once broke out and the lad was disowned; this but strengthened his faith and it is a perfect joy to watch him growing in grace and in the knowledge of His blessed Saviour and Messiah. Just this morning we had the testimony of a young man who while confined in the hospital was given a copy of John and having time and inclination to read, the Spirit of God revealed Jesus through the Word to his heart and he hur ried here to bear joyful witness. Many instances have re cently come to our attention where men have found the Lord Jesus through no human instrumentality but simply by reading that wonderful gospel of John where “ God has said it Christ has done it; They have believed it And are saved.” M SEAMEN ’S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt.—Our Workers board all vessels in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. “ Come unto Me, all. ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon yon, and learn of Me: for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest onto your souls.” OT often do men open up their hearts to us when we are on board their ships, but when visiting us in our home, they are more free to unburden heart yearnings. One Saturday morning, about noon, after talking with a group of men, we invited some to take dinner with us. After much hesitancy, one lad ac cepted our invitation. At dinner we questioned him about many things pertaining .to mind, body and spirit, and here are a few of the things he said; “ This is my first half day off in three weeks,” he said. “ We work Sundays as well as week days. I am going to leave the vessel when we arrive in San Francisco. I will have a month’s pay coming, $40.00, but I can only draw half of it. The Captain thinks if he makes it hard enough, we will all quit, and if we quit, he don’t have to give us any money. I don’t care how mean he treats me though, now, I am not going to spy anything for I will need my $20.00. I am only a seamen, but this trip he was short of men and made me take*the wheel. We worked four hours on and four hours off. I fell asleep on one watch and got two points off the course, and he came over and shook me, then began to bawl me out. I answered him back and he gave me six hours extra duty. I couldn’t do it, and finally said I wouldn’t, so he docked me two days’ pay. But I am not going to say anything because, if I did, when we got back out to sea, he would make it hard for me.”
W O R K IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.—Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car- Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles.
problems come to us in the Shop Department need prayer and time to solve. Time and i again as we go into the different shops we t men who have heard the Gospel but have,
failed to decide for Christ. What a problem they present to us! How we would like to do any thing in our power to reach them! What can we do to help them come to know Jesus? Loved ones perhaps have written us, telling of how glad they are that we are holding meetings where they work. Time still passes and still they are unsaved. What can we do? Too often before we can reach these dear fellows the hand of death removes them from our midst, and thus many of them go out into eternity without a Saviour. Let us tell you of one who thus left us a few days ago, and if you have not already taken Jesus as your Saviour, (John 1:12,) we pray that you will do so NOW. If you have taken Him, please pray for us as we seek to reach those who have not. For the past seven years we have been preaching the Gos pel in one of the shops. Men have come and gone, yet sev-
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