K l N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May 1924
luted the house of the Lord which he had hallowed in Jer usalem” (2 Chron. 36:12-14). Thus things went on “ till there was no remedy” (v. 16). The heathen king was per mitted to burn the house of God, break down the walls of Jerusalem, and take Judah captive into Babylon. Let us again say what was said in connection with the captivity of the northern kingdom—God hates sin. God is the eternal enemy of sin. God punishes sin. Memory Verse.-—-“ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Gal. 6:7. A p p r o a c h m e t a little girl whom I know on the street the other day, and generally she seems quite bright and happy, but this day she did not look very happy. She was on her way to school, and when T asked her how she was getting along, she said she did not ELEMENTARY like school any more, because she did Mabel L. Merrill not get promoted. I knew why she did not get promoted, for she had not been studying her lessons at home as much as she should have done. Her mother would think she was studying, when sometimes she was reading a story book. This little girl sowed idleness, and reaped failure. Let us bow our heads and thank God for our schools, where we can study and get ready for our part of the work in the world when we are grown up. Lesson Story.— (The lesson committee has suggested the story of the boy king, Josiah, rather than the destruction of Jerusalem, but X feel the children should be taught the result of sin and disobedience to God. So many of them would not grow up as infidels, if they were taught as chil dren that sin means punishment and death.) George, can you tell us about a prophet of God, who warned the people, The City of Jerusalem Destroyed 2 Chron. 36:17-20; Psa. 137:1-6.
and how the people received his message? Was the mes sage the prophet’s own words? No, they were the words of God, and Jeremiah was just saying them for God, and that is why God saved him, because he stood true and faith ful. The people would not obey God's message spoken through Jeremiah, and our story today is what happened to the great city of Jerusalem and its people. The name of the king who was ruling over God’s people at this time was Zedekiah, who would not obey God. God loved his people and waited so long and sent mes sage after message to them through his prophets pleading with them to repent of their sin, but they would not. So he let a heathen army come and fight against Jerusalem, and after a long time all • the food in the city was gone, and the people had nothing to eat; One night king Zede kiah with a number of his men fled out of the city, but the enemy caught the king and his two sons. His sons were killed, and the king bound with chains and kept in prison in the city of Babylon, the home of the heathen king, whose army was fighting against Jerusalem. Then the captain of the army burnt the temple, and the palace of the king, the houses of the people, and broke down the walls around the city. They carried away the beautiful dishes of gold and silver from the temple. The heathen people had no rever ence or respect for God’s house. Many of the people of the city were killed in the battle, and others carried away as captives to the city of Babylon. Some of the poor people were left to care for the fields and vineyards. So the kingdom of Judah was ended, as the kingdom of Israel had been, on account of the sins of the people. Though the Lord waited long, and gave them time to re pent, and sent his prophets to warn and persuade them, they would not obey. Therefore, at last, He sent the peo ple of Judah, as he had before sent the people of Israel, out of the land of Canaan. The people would not obey, but they found God’s word came true just as Jeremiah had told them. They reaped just what they had sown. (Teach mem ory verse and drive lesson home.) Prayer. ^'4. ^>4. a » ate
The Bible Institute Glee Club Easter Vacation Evangelistic Tour under the Direction of Professor J. B.
On an It is a genuine pleasure to preesnt to our readers this picture of the Insti tute Glee Club, con sisting of twenty- four Splendid young men, whose v o c a l c h o r d s voice the n o t e s of Gospel song, and convey a sweet message of sal vation and inspira tion t o h u m a n hearts. Music has its charms, but never is it so charming to the children of the King as it is when voiced
Trowbridge (in center)
ian victory to hun dreds of people in their ten day tour up the Pacific Coast. P r o f e s s o r Trow bridge is a devoted leader a n d never fails to magnify the essential thing i n sacred music. The purpose and plan of the Glee Club (who are travelling in autos) is to do personal work with the unsaved and also t o interest young people to turn their faces toward the In
by the lips of those whose hearts beat m sympathy with His heart who directs the heavenly choir in its Hallelujah Chorus. There is something appealing in the message of a Male Chorus and these men will sound a note of Chris-
stitute for preparation for their life work. They go, equipped with Gospel literature and with united prayer that when God’s books are opened they will show a splendid report of the results of their mission.
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