HE BIOLA PRESS had a humble birth in the printing of a little weekly outline of the Sunday School lesson, “ Brief Thoughts for Busy Teachers,’ ’ which later developed into “ The King’s Business,” a monthly, of limited size and circulation. Plans for the present buildings of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles suggested a larger work for the Press, and the need for a full-fledged, competent manager was supplied by the timely coming of Mr. Albert Havermale, who has never disappointed us. We covenanted with the Lord to use all profits from Biola Press in the free distribution of Bibles and Christian literature. This agreement has had His abundant blessing, though the profits have never been sufficient to supply the needs for our own extensive evangelistic work. The business of Biola Press so increased that larger quarters were demanded, and this building is the result, standing as a monument to the fact that it is possible to successfully conduct a Chris tian business. It is recognized as one of the most efficient (though not the largest) printing plants in the city. We take pleasure in bearing this testi mony, and give God all the glory.
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