K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May 1924
Jesus we will never give Him up, no matter how big we grow; but the older we grow, the more we will love Him. To show our love we will try to behave wherever we are, at home, in school, in Sunday School, in church, when play ing, or wherever we are. We’ll pay attention in Sunday School and church as well as in day school. We’ll not read Sunday School papers in church or play with Bibles or hymn books, or mark in them. We’ll handle our Bibles very carefully, for the Bible is God’s great letter to us tell ing us how He wishes us to think, speak, and act, if we love Him. Samuel was very careful how he acted in God’s house, was prayerful, and faithful, so when he became a man God honored him as much, and more, than when He called to him as a boy. If all boys who say they love God, keep on serving Him as did Samuel, there will come a time in their lives when God will call them to be teachers, or preachers, or mission aries, or to do some other great work for Him. What is true for the boys is true for the girls. I cannot think of any greater work any one can do than be a missionary for God. We can be missionaries at home, school, and else where, by seeking to get those we know, big and little ones, to love Jesus and come to Sunday School and church. Like Samuel let us pray Go'd to help us, and obey when God calls us to do any work for Him, such as helping at home or abroad. Memory Verse: “ Speak Lord; for thy servant heareth.’’ 1 Sam. 3:9. afe a» THE KING’S BUSINESS IN PRISON “ I was in prison, and ye visited me” (Matt. 25:36). A very interesting letter was received at the Christmas season from San Quentin prison (California) signed by one of the women inmates, for the Women’s Department, a portion of which reads as follows: “ On behalf of the female department of San Quentin I desire to thank the publishers of your paper for your kind thoughtfulness in remembering us each month with a copy of your magazine. Personally I have read the magazine through and enjoy it. Am sending you an account of our Christmas celebra tion here in which I am sure you will be interested.” This is just another testimony to the helpfulness of The King’s Business, wherever it goes. Prison walls are no barrier to the convicting and converting power of the Holy Spirit and many a soul has been brought to a saving knowl edge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord while in prison. We are sure the members of The King’s Business family will be glad to pray that the magazine may be blessed in its message in San Quentin. TO THE HEART NEEDING COMFORT “ Fearest sometimes that thy Father hath forgot? When the clouds around thee gather Doubt Him not, ALWAYS hath the daylight broken, ALWAYS hath He comfort spoken; BETTER hath He been FOR YEARS Than thy fears.” “ Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). — Selected.
A / C RISIS and
h a l l e n g e
(Reprinted from October issue) We are confronting conditions in our land and throughout the world of startling significance. The moral menace is stupendous. The lure of lawlessness is swaying both young and old. From the dream of the dawn of a world peace we have awakened to the awful consciousness of a world calamity. The religious world is rank with Satanic sedition against the claims of Christianity. The clamorous cajol eries of the multiplying cults; the bomba W H Y DID SHE WEEP? THE AN SW ER W ILL BE FOUND ON INSIDE FRONT COVER
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