May 1924
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
IS A N Y B O D Y AN SWERABLE ? That there is a tremendous break-down in the moral character of our young people is an evident and indis putable fact. That someone or something is respons ible, is self-evident. Is it the late war, the schools, the home, the church, the movies? What is it? What is it? From a very careful observation for the last fifteen years we are sure that all of these suggested things
TH EOR Y vs. TRUTH We congratulate Mr. Pace upon his cartoon which we present herewith. It is realistic. It carries an im portant message. God’s Word is a well of water,— living water. A still is, according to the Standard Dictionary, “ an apparatus in which a substance is changed by heat, either with or without chemical decomposition, into
have played their part. Are there any signs of im provement ? N o, it is getting worse and logically so, because none of the agencies sug gested are doing anything to rem edy t h e matter. Things are drift ing a l o n g from bad to worse. The stream is swell ing ; the b a n k s are breaking; the age limit of crim inals is lowering. I s i t of suffi cient importance to give us con cern ? T h a t de pends upon who the us are. If you are a Christian, a father or mother, a property owner, a lover of your country it should concern you tre mendously. T h e future o f o u r country depends
vapor, which va por is then liqui fied in a conden ser, and collected e l s e w h e r e.” The b r a i n of the Modernist is t h e still through which passes the W o r d o f Go d , which is there de composed i n t o n o x i o u s vapor and the vapor col lected i n . t h e school room and the church. This vapor might well be described, also, as gas which is distributed with out stint, as it is a cheap product. The odor is offen sive to the normal Christian nostril, but evidently it loses its unpleas antness after one has become accus tomed to breath ing it. Some of us have, i n d e e d , b e en
upon our youth. Fifteen years from now the boys and girls of today will play a great part in affairs in home, church, school and state. If they are not reached and helped now the possibility of helping conditions will grow less and less each year. You ask, “ Are you not a pessimist?” We answer, “ No, we have had the privilege of carefully following statistics regarding our youth for fifty years and have been in such personal touch with conditions that we know whereof we speak.’ ’ No honest man or woman with any knowledge of af fairs can dispute these facts. Ask the honest church man or the interested parent. Ask the judge on the bench. Ask the police authorities. Inquire at the prisons. Make inquiry of the press. What can be done? Where would you commence?
drinking for a long time the living water from the deep well of God’s Word, and are not wanting any Twentieth Century patented distillers. We have found Isaiah spoke the truth when he said, “ Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of Salvation,” and have believed the word of Jesus Christ to the woman of Samaria: “ I f thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith unto thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of Him, and he would have given thee living water.” So “ run along, sonny Modernist. Yours are wells without water; clouds that are carried with a tempest, to whom the mists of darkness are reserved forever. We know whom we have believed, and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him against that day.”
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