T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
M*ay 1924
Saviour. The majority of the scenes are laid in that far off land during the war, when famine and pestilence stalked through, having compassion on none. The hero also, after many bitter battles within, finds perfect rest and peace in His Lord. Of special help to young people. (Revell) $1.25. Who Wrote the Bible?, by Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, President of Wheaton College. Dr. Blanchard is admirably qualified to present to the reading public a book so greatly need ed at this time when the question of greatest importance to the nation is involved in the question, “ Who wrote the Bible? Is it dependable? Is it true? Is it inspired?” He has an swered these questions satisfactorily and given the reason why the Bible occupies the place it does as the only factor by which the problems of life can be solved. We could wish this volume had a place in every home in the land. (Bible Institute Colportage Association) $1.00. Knowing the Scriptures, by Dr. A. T. Pierson. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has just issued a new edition of this remarkable book. There are fifty rules and methods of Bible study given. We have no hesi tation in saying that this volume of 450 pages is the best single book in print for the preacher’s table. The foundation for sermons without num ber can be found here and always ma terial to strengthen the faith and build up saints. (Biola Press) $2.00. The Misconceptions of an Evolu tionist, by Prof, L. S. Keyser, D. D. Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio. This brochure is an answer to an article by Raymond C. Osburn on some misconceptions about evolution. Dr. Keyser lays bare the fallacy of Dr. Osburn’s position and proves his points in a skilful manner. He quotes from Dr. Osburn’s “ six counts” to prove the theory of evolution, and takes them up seratim, showing con clusively the absurdity of his position. We commend this argument of twenty pages to our ministerial friends for a sermon on evolution. (Reprinted from the Lutheran Quarterly). Twelve Great Questions About Christ, by Rev. Clarence E. MacCart- ney, D. D., of Philadelphia. Dr. Mac- Cartney has a unique place in the hearts of God’s true followers. He is the man who stood stoutly for the old faith in the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church last year against the Modernists. In the foreword, Rev. J. Gresham Machen, D. D., of Prince ton Seminary, says: “ The center and core of this message is Jesus Christ; not the reduced and unreal Jesus of Modern Naturalistic Liberalism, but the all-sufficient Saviour presented in the Word of God.” We heartily com mend it. (Revell) Price $1.50. Tbe Bible and Spiritual Life, by Dr. Arthur T. Pierson. To say “ by Dr. Pierson” of any book is to insure the reader something worth having and studying. In these days of question marks concerning the infallible Word of God, nothing can be more strength-
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Book of God is the exact provision, satisfaction and guide; for only. He who, having made man, knows what is in mind, could have made a book which so anticipates and answers all the needs of his higher nature. (Biola Press) $2.00.
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