May 1924
K I N G ’ S
I will give you a chance to earn $200 a week
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND , AND THE BOOK JEWISH NEWS NOTES Compiled by James A. Vans, Supt. of Jewish Work Bible Institute of Los Angeles Foundations of Orthodox Judaism Threatened For years past, while laboring among “ The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel,” we have besought the Lord to send forth properly equipped and trained workers into His Jewish har vest fields. Not only have we felt the burden of the need among the Jews of America but of Europe as well. Particularly have we been exercised over the evangelization of the large number of Jews in Russia and Pol- land. More than half the Jewish popula tion of the world is confined within the borders of Russia and Poland. These two countries, and particularly Poland, have been for centuries the home of Orthodox Judaism. Today there seems to he a movement of dis integration going on there that threatens the very existence of Orth odox Judaism. Speaking of this de cadence of Judaism “ The Jewish Miss ionary Herald” says: “ The religious degeneration that is going on in the East of appalling. Among the new generation of Jews there is said to be even less of the observance of the Jewish religion than among the new generation of West ern Jews............. This indeed betokens a black outlook for the future of Jewry.” Poland, with a new generation of Jews numbering somewhere about two million souls, going from bad to worse. Two million Jewish souls going into the service of Satan. It is, indeed appalling. And a similar number' of Jews in Russia and elsewhere drifting the same downward way. Appalling. It is more than that. It is a calamity. What does the Christian conscience say to this? “ Can we whose souls are lighted, With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? We beseech all the Friends of Is rael to send a volume of prayer up to God on behalf of these millions of perishing Jewish souls. May mission aries and means be speedily forth coming for their evangelization. Jewish Population of the World Mr. Davis Treitsch, the great Jew ish Zionist statistician, gives the fol- (Continued on next Page)
presentatives more than three hun dred thousand dollars for sending us orders. And now I’m offering you the chance to become our representative in your territory and get your share of that three hundred thousand dol
IGHT now, today, I offer you an opportunity to be your own boss—to work just as many hours a day as you please—to start when you want to and quit when you want to—and earn $200 a week. These Are Facts
lars. All you do is to take orders. We do the rest. We deliver. We collect; and you get your money the same day you take the order. You can see how simple it Is. We furnish you with a complete outfit and tell you how to get the business in your territory. We help you to get started. If you only send us four average orders a day, which you can easily get, you will make $100 a week. Maybe You Are Worth $1,000 a Month Well, here is your chance
Does that sound too good to be true? I f it does, then let me tell you what J. R. Head did in a small town in K a n s a s . Head lives in a town of 631 people. He was siek, b r o k e^: out of a job. He a c c e p t e d my offer. I gave him the same chance I am’ now offer ing you. At this new work he has made as high
to find out, for this is the same propo sition that enabled Oeorge Garon to make a clear profit of $40 in his first day’s work— the same proposition that gave R. W. Krieger $20 net profit in a half hour. It is the same oppor tunity that gave A. B. Spencer $625 cash for one month’s spare time. If you mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad I will show you the easiest, quickest, simplest plan for making money that you ever heard of. If you are interested in a chance to earn $200 a week and can devote all your time or only an hour or so a day to my proposition, write your name down below, cut out the coupon and mail it to me at once. You take no risk,: and this may he the one outstanding opportunity of your life to earn more money than you ever thought possible. Find Out NOW! Remember, it doesn’t cost you a penny. You don’t agree to anything and you will have a chance to go right out and make big money. Do it. Don’t wait. Get full details. Mail the coupon now. • C. E. COMER THE COMER MFG. CO. Dept. 26-E Dayton, Ohio J u s t Ma i l T h i s N o w ! THE COMER MFG. CO. Dept. 26-E, Dayton, Ohio Please tell me how I can make $200 a week as your representative. Send me complete details of your of fer without any obligation to me whatsoever. Name............................................. .......... Address ................................. ............. .....
as $69.50 for one day’s work. You can do every bit as well as he did. If that isn’t enough, then let me tell you about E. A. Sweet, of Michigan. He was an electrical engineer and didn’t know anything about selling. In his first month’s spare time he earned $243. Inside of six months he was making between $600 and $1,200 a month. W. J. McCrary is another man I want to tell you about. His regu lar job paid him $2 a day, but this wonderful new work has enabled him to make $9,000 a year. Yes, and right this very minute you are being offered the same proposition that has made these men so successful. Do you want it ? Do you want to earn $40 a day ? A Clean, High-grade Dignified Business Have you ever heard of Comer All- Weather Coats? They are advertised in the leading magazines. A good- looking, stylish coat that’s good for summer or winter— that keeps out wind, rain or snow, a coat that every body should have, made of fine ma terials for men, women and children, and sells for less than the price of an ordinary coat. Now, Comer Coats are not sold in stores. All our orders come through our own representatives. Within the next few months we will pay the re
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