May 1924
K I N G ’ S. B U S I N E S S
know what splendid stuff this is they are building with; let them deal with it lovingly, reverently, for. there is that within the movement which shall make it foremost among those that helped bring a world back to sanity and to faith.” A Passover Pilgrimage to Palestine of 600 Jews is being arranged by the Jewish Tri bune, New York, via the steamer Cleveland of the United States Lines, to leave New York March 20 for sixty day’ s absence. From various sources it is estimated tliat the number of tourists to Pales tine this season will total or surpass G,000, making this one of the record seasons. Great preparations are being made in Palestine to cope with this gigantic “ invasion.” (Jewish Missionary Maga zine.) OVER ONE THOUSAND BOOK LETS SOLD IN FIFTY DAYS. This is how the Booklet, “The Present Condition, of IsraelintheLight OfProphecy,” isselling. Your copy is ready for you. Send ten cents to the ad dress below, dr one dollar for a dozen copies for your friends. And don’t forget.that splendid monthly, the ' H p H JEWISH MISSIONARY MAGAZINE This magazine will keep you up to date on Jewish missions, the Zionistmovement, present fulfillings. of prophecy, etc. You cannot afford to be without it. Sample copy free. Thos. M. Chalmers, 2654MarionAve.,NewYorkCity: _ Enclosed find One Dollar (outside the United States, *1.25) for the Jewish Missionary Magazine for one year. Name................................ ............................. Address................................................................ Take No Chances with Your Principal A CONSERVATIVE investment in annuity form producing a lib eral income should be of interest to you. Annuity bonds produce an income that cannot shrink. Your principal is safe; payments aremade punctually; you run no risk of loss. Your investment is secure and will be used in circulating the Bible in many languages among the nations of the world. f ^ Let us tell you I I what Annuity I | I . • f _ Bonds will do /ZM £ ^ foryou ^ for Booklet No. 1 ‘^^m erican Bible Society Bible House, Astor Place - NewYork
JEWISH NEWS NOTES (Continued from Page 315) lowing estimate of the Jewish popula tion of the world: Poland ................ ,................ 3,300,000 Ukraine 3,300,000 United States ...... 3,100,000 Russia, including Serbia.— 900,000 Roumania ....................—...... 650,000 Germany —.................... 540,000 Hungary ......„ .........„ ........... 450,000 Czecho-Slovakia ........................ 450,000 British Isles ........v_~ ......... 300,000 Austria ................... — ........ . 300,000 Lithuania ..........,............... ~ 250,000 Jugo-Slavia -----------------... 200,000 Africa excluding Morocco, Tunis and Algeria.......... 170,000 Prance ................................. 150,000 Algeria and Tunis ...... — 150,000 Arabia .................... —.....— 130,000 Greece ................-................ 120,000 Holland ...................... - ..... 110,000 Morocco ...................... 110,000 Argentine ......... 100,000 Canada .................. 100,000 Turkey ................ 100,000 Palestine — '........—............. 100,000 Australasia ........ 20,000 European countries, not separately given, — ...... 200,000 Asiatic countries not separately given ........ 100,000 American countries not separately given ........—. 30,000 Total...,.......................... 15,430,000 Hebrew and Yiddish Many people confuse Hebrew with Yiddish. They are not the same. Classical Hebrew is the language, of the most of the Bible. It is Semitic. The Hebrew of the Talmud and Mish- na are not quite so pure but are closely related to Aramaic and very abbreviated. Yiddish is a German Hebrew jargon written or printed in Hebrew characters, which incidentally comes from Aramaic. It contains many words of Slavic origin. A vast literature has been written and trans lated in it, and newspapers with a large circulation are printed in Yid dish. The Zionists have stressed the necessity of reviving pure classical Hebrew for literature and conversa tion and it is their hope that in a re stored Palestine it will be the lan guage of the Jewish people and will take the place of Yiddish. (B’nai Brith Bulletin). The Struggle of European Zionism Dr. M. Hindes, in the “ New Pales tine,” says: “Within the raging wil derness and assault of European re action, the Jewish national effort to rebuild a homeland has the aspect of a miracle. It is indeed the one mira cle of the time that the weakest peo ple in the world should find, in the face of bitter external enmity, chaos, misery and sadness rampant, the force and the will to continue on the road to reconstruction. Let the builders
P L A C E S FACTS DATES Are very uninteresting when studied separately, but when you connect all three into one sub ject you have very interesting and very instructive historical events. THE STOUTS STUDENT MAP OF PALESTINE is an idea that is unique, interesting and most instructive. The map shows on its face the very spot where about 50 of the most interesting Bible incidents took place. For example, “Here Christ fed 5,000,“ “Here little Samuel lived with Eli,“ “Here Samson slew 1,000 Philistines“ etc., etc. This is only one feature of the map. It has an alphabetical list *of all cities, towns, rivers, lakes, plains and mountains, on the margin so arranged that any can be found easily and readily. It also shows by arrowed lines the journeys of Christ, chrono logically arranged, with a list of the chief events of each journey, with references as to where they are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Also the Old Testament references. You may know the fact and date perfectly, yet if you are “All in the Fog” about the place, there may come a time when you will blush at your own ignorance. It is every Bible Teacher’s plain duty to be interesting; because, where there is no interest, there is no attention; where there is no attention, there is no learn ing; where there is no learning, there has been no teaching, and where there was no teaching, there was no teacher! This is worth pondering. The study and use of this splendid map inter ests and instructs a teacher; con sequently, interests the class, gets attention, and imparts in formation. Then there has been learning, teaching and a teacher. SIZES AND PRICES No.l 22x34 inches. Lithographed in six colors, printed on tough ledger paper and enclosed in an envelope. 50 cents each post paid. No. 2 22x34 inches. Lithographed in six colors on fine cloth-lined map paper and mounted on tin rollers. $1.00 each postpaid. Order o f your own dealer or MEIGS PUBLISHING CO. 41 W. Washington, Street, ________Indianapolis, Ind,________ Kindly mention “ TheKing’s Business”
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