King's Business - 1924-05

May 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Definite Message Books That should be in the li­ brary o f e v e r y Christian worker The Bible and Spiritual Life By Dr. A. T. Pierson A book that will do much toward deepening the spiritual life of everyone who reads it. It shows the very vital relationship that the Bible has with the spiritual life of the Christian and then shows how that life can be developed by properly studying the Bible. The follow­ ing are some of the important themes treated. The Bible as God’s Book—The Bible as Man’s Book—The Problem of the Family—The Church of God—The Problem of the Individual Man—The World That Now Is—The Unseen World of the Spirits—The Problem of Salva­ tion—The Problem of Faith—The Pro­ blem of Prayer—Fellowship with God— The Problem of Service—-The Problem of Suffering—The Problem of Provi­ dence—The Mystery of History. Cloth, $2.00 The Triumphs of the Cross By W. C. Stevens A splendidly written small book treat­ ing on the! deeper lessons of the Cross. It shows very clearly what the Victor­ ious, Sacrificial death of Christ on Cal­ vary’s Cross purchased for the believer —what the believer’s standing and priv­ ileges are as a new man in Christ. Paper 35 cents The Patinos Vision By George W. Davis This is the best single volume com­ mentary on the book of Revelation in print today. We know that this is a big statement, but the book will fully back up all that we say in its favor. It is an exceptionally well thought out book for these last days. This book is not a book to be merely read and laid aside—it is a book to be studied. If you are teaching a class in prophecy you will find— “The Patmos Vision’’ ex­ ceptionally helpful. Paper, $1.25; Cloth, $1.75 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels By Keith L. Brooks Every difficult statement in the four Gospels, is simply explained, which means that the compiler has brought together a wealth of valuable material from scores of devotional writers. The answers are concise, yet will be clear to the ordinary Bible student. Here you have^ a book that will be constantly in use if you have it in your home. Order a copy today. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00 Christian Science and the Word of God By Franklin G. Huling This well written treatise on Christian Science is different from any other in that it begins by stating what prominent practioners say they believe, what they do and what they teach,— then follows with statements from Mrs. Eddy’s “ Key to the Scriptures,’’ compared with the statements of the Scriptures themselves. Paper 25 cents If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

The following item clipped from The Guatemala News (organ of the Guatemala Mission, Central America) will be of special interest to the many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ains- lie (members of the Church of the Open Door), and Mrs. Besse Nur- minger (also a member of the Church of the Open Door, as well as a former B. I. student). Since Dr. Ainslie started for his rush trip to Mexico, Nurse Nurminger has been a good deal like a recently decapitated hen, for she has to be every place at once. To make mat- tens worse, a flock of disasters were just waiting to swoop down the mo­ ment the Doctor left. A refractory nurse student whom she had just lately taken on to try out, not only proved to be bad material, but infected two or three others and started a revolution that required drastic discipline resulting in the loss of three. At nearly the same time another got sick with an abscess, and then one of the best with appendicitis. Then Mrs. Ainslie got sick. Then Doc­ tor Anderson’s contract period ended, and the other Doctor whom we had counted on to take his place till the Doctor’s return, had to stop every­ thing else and take personal charge of a dying sister, that at the present writing has just passed away. The “ flu” also broke out and weakened the nursing force till at one time there were actually but two nurse students to aid Mrs. Nurminger with all that work . 1 But the accumulation of difficulties only served to bring out the capabil­ ities of our Head Nurse and the splen­ did fibre of the nurse students that

remained. The one that suffered the ugly abscess was back on light duty within 48 hours after operation, and the one with appendicitis was back and at it before she should have been and brought on a dangerous re­ lapse which is now threatening her life. Great credit must also be given to the nurses of the Central Ameri­ can Mission who when they learned of the shortage rushed to lend their aid, and have helped tide Mrs. Nur­ minger over. One fills with pride for humanity in presence of white and brown cases of such fine fidelity, co­ operation, and heroism as we have seen these weeks. The war could hardly show finer. The other evening Mrs. Nurminger came to supper beaming with the news, ‘Haztel’ (one of the nurse stu­ dents) “ had the joy of leading a soul to the Lord today.” It means much when these nurse studepts are being trained as “ soul nurses” as well as nurses for the body. Last number we referred to Dr. Ainslie’s trip to Mexico and prayed for his protection. There was need. Just as they got deep into Mexico that turbulent land broke into revolution and their return by land became im­ possible, Had they continued to Mex­ ico City they would have been shut in possibly till the end of what promises to be a long war. They got to Vera Cruz on the last train through. From there they made their way back in a roundabout trip by water, being provi­ dentially forced to take just the va­ cation needed. The Doctor looks like a different man now. Incidentally the light fingered' Mexicans stole his grip with some $75 worth of contents. They chain luggage to the car seats on the Mexican railroads now.

Safe, Sane, Sound, Scriptural Literature for the Sunday School

The “Christian Life Series” Sunday School Literature Lesson Quarterlies and Illustrated Papers Helps for Teachers and Scholars

There is an amazing amount of Scriptural reading matter found in the periodicals of the “Christian Life Series’’





Unsolicited favorable testimonials reach our office daily, but the best recommendation is the enormous increase of orders quarterly, from all parts of the world A post-card request will bring a sample pack of the FULL LINE •-------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS --------------------------------------- — ------------- UNION GOSPEL PUBLISHING Co., Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio. Note: We also publish a teachers* quarterly for the “ Whole Bible Sunday School Lesson Course’’— the PRIMITIVE BIBLE SCHOOL TEACHER. Sample copy free.

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