May 1924
K I N G ’ S
RULES FOR MAY BIBLE CONTEST (Anyone under 16 taking Bible course as outlined in Children’s Garden is a member of the Red Book Club.) (1) All papers must bear name, age and address of pupil as well as the name of the parent or instructor as a guarantee that all questions have been answered by the child, stories are in pupils own words and that memory verses given have been learned by child. (Questions may be asked by pupil and help given by older people but words and writing musl; be that of the child. See exception under Primary Group.) (2) Stories will be rated on follow ing points: Correctness of answers, subject material, individuality shown and grammatical construction. (3) All papers must be mailed on or before June 1, 1924 to Sophie Shaw ileader, 225 W. 15th St., Long Beach, Calif. Rewards: (1) The ,best story in each group will be published in the Children’s Gar den. (2) All pupils sending in good pa pers will receive a beautiful hand- painted card on which is printed a poem written for the Gardeners called, “Spring and the Bible.” • ■ ' i 11 m m M CHRIST LIVES; REJOICE! Flowers radiant bloom,'* AS from earth’s gloom They rise anew;
CHILDREN'S GARDEN (Continued from Page 285)
New Books That are Exceedingly Interesting The Unique Historical Value of the Book o f Jonah By W. C. Stevens Mr. Stevens points out the value of the Book of Jonah as revealing Jehovah as the “ God of all flesh.*’ For it is in this book where for the first time, the ancient, prophetic messages rises above the particularization of Israel, calling all men to repentance. Cloth, $1.00 The World’s Greatest Need By T. E. H. Jones Tells the old, old story of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus but tells it in an entirely new way. The questions dealt with are of vital interest to every being. Their treatment is illuminating, enthralling, persuading. All through, this volume tingles with spiritual fervour and strong sound common sense. ' It fascinates and fills with reverent delight. Each chapter teems with telling illus trations, and compels you to read on to the last word. There is not a dull page in it. Just the book you need to put into the hands of intellectual unbe lievers. Cloth, $2.00 The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew Here is the Book that warms your heart. Miss Drew has provided a really charming book for home reading. It is a story of a series of wonderful revival services. When the Spirit of God lays hold of an individual or- community, miracles, are wrought, and this story is a recital of miracles. If you wish to stir up a spirit of revival in your home church, this is the book t o . circulate among those who might be responsive. ....Cloth, $1.75 Nyilak and Other Sketches By Mabel Easton Miss Easton is a missionary of the Africa Inland. Mission and has written a dozen sketches of real life in the Belgian Congo. The book displays a rare gift of picture painting and the scenes, man ners and customs of African life are graphically portrayed. You can really be “ right there” as you read and your heart will warm with real desire that Africa might have many “ Miss Eastons” to lead the natives to the feet of Jesus. Cloth, $1.00 The Passing of “ The W ord” A ROMANCE OF COLLEGE LIFE By Helen Henshaw The book depicts the wholesome and typical American college girl of today, who with seriousness of character can have as well the spirit of frolic. While the story purports to impart a serious message, nevertheless, there is a certain trend of humor through the pages. The college girl’s rhapsodies on flowers and amusements, and typical friendships that are formed, lend to the narrative a naturalness which is in every way pleas ing and appropriate. Interwoven is a love theme, by- no means complex, but adding a certain charm to the volume. The dialogue throughout is natural and pleasing and the moral element is strongly marked. An exceptionally healthy story. Cloth, $1.50 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
(9) Tell through whose power peo ple will be raised from the dead. 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. (10) How did God show His love for everyone ? Rom. 5:8. (11) How may people be saved or become Christians? John 3:16. (All questions should be answered in pupil’s own words.) Group 2 (Ages 10 through 12): Read Gen. 1:26-31; also Gen. the 2nd and 3rd chapters. Also Rom. 5:8, 12, 19; 1 Cor. 15:21, 22; John 3:16. After reading and studying above references, write a story in your own words of not over 250 words on the subject—• “The Story of Adam and of Christ’s Love.” Group 3 (Ages 13 through 15): Write a story of not more than 350 words on the subject, “The First Man Adam Compared With 'the Second Adam Christ. (See Rom. 5:14). Use the following outline as a help in writ ing story: (1) Formation—Gen. 1:26, 27; Gen. 2:7; Heb. 1:2, 3; John 1:1, and 1 Cor. 15:47, (2) Home—Gen. 2:8; Acts 1:10, 11; Heb. 1:3. (3) Work—Gen. 1:28; Gen. 2:15, 19; Heb. 1:2, 3; Rom. 5:8; John 1:3 and I John 2:1. (4) , Character— Gen. 3:1-12, com pared with Luke 4:1-13; Rom. 5:19, compared with 1 John 3:5; see also Isa. 53:9, and 1 Peter 2:22, 23. (5) Legacy to Man » R o m . 5:12; Heb. 9:28; John 3:36 and 1 Cor. 15:22. Memory Verses for all groups—Rom. 5:8, 12; Heb. 1:3; John 1:3.
Uplift your voice In Song— Rejoice!
Christ lives for you!
‘ »’.-¿I Fred Scott Shepard.
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M ailC ouponTodayJ^yttl Thousands of buyers say Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 contains the choicest collection of “ standards” and “ singable songs” nowoffered. Theworkof everywell- known composer and writer is found on its pages. Its doth binding is made doublystrong. Itwill stand very rough usage.. B iola B ook R oom ' 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cad. T abernacle publishing C o ., C hicago
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