King's Business - 1924-05

May 1924


K I N G ’ S . B U S I N E S S


CHORDS FROM THE PSALMIST’S HARP “ Be still, and know that I am God”— Psalm 46:10.

tion is to rush; hither and thither for help, and to have recourse to this and that human and earthly expedient. But in the midst of such temptations the heavenly voice speaks, and its message is the same as of old: “ Be still, and know that I am God.” It is in Quietness and confidence that we find our strength, and it is the one who stands still who has the joy of seeing the salvation of his God. Once in the early days in China, a missionary was threatened by rioting. A great crowd of angry men gathered before his door, intent upon pulling down his house and murdering him. He came to the door and saw that he could neither fly nor resist, indeed that he was as good as dead. In­ stinctively, he folded his hands, closed his eyes and began to pray, commend­ ing his soul to God. He stood thus for several minutes and then opened his eyes. To hia astonishment, not a man was to be seen. He had been still. But God had been anything but still. He had worked mightily, plac­ ing His fear in the hearts of the riot­ ers and thus putting them to flight. They never returned and the mission­ ary worked on.— Rev. Henry W. Frost.

New Books That are Worth While

HUS spake Jehovah to Israel at the very ,moment when He was prophesying that the nations would be gathered

Famous Figures of the Old Testament

By William Jennings Bryan Mr. Bryan’s first volume of Bible Studies furnishes a gallery of Old Testa­ ment portraits which are masterpieces of character delineation. Deft, just, dis­ criminating, these character sketches are among the best things Mr. Bryan has yet done. Cloth, $1.50 G od ’ s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray If there ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who has dwelt in the secret place of the Most High where he could'and did learn God’s Best Secrets, that man was Andrew Murray. And he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,—The Secret of Adoration, The Secret of the Abiding Presence, The Secret of the Cross, The Secret of the Faith Life, The Secret of Fellowship, The Secret of Inspiration, The Secret of Intercession, and The Secret of United Prayer. Written in the last days of his long and useful life, this book brings his very last word to the Christian Church. The book is made up of eight sections, each contain­ ing thirty-one short chapters. Each chapter has a Scripture heading so that is is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth, $2.00 The Wonderful Garden o f the Word o f God By Sophie Shaw Meader Dispensational Truth Successfully Taught to Children. One of the great problems of Bible teachers has always been how to pre­ sent dispensational truth to children in such a way that they will understand it. They need worry no longer. Mrs. Meader in this book outlines a plan that is sim­ plicity itself and illustrates her method with charts that any child will readily understand. Teachers of children will certainly welcome this new book. Paper, 35 cents

against her and that severe calami­ ties would come upon her. Looking forward to the day of her trouble, which is yet to come, He could see through and beyond it to the deliver­ ance which He would surely give to those who put their trust in Him. And so He had but one message for His people. It was not that they might stir themselves to greater ac­ tivity. It was not that they might look to Egypt or Assyria for help against Surrounding enemies. It was simply and only this; they were to be still and know that He was God. Thus it is with us whenever danger threatens. At such times our tempta­

THE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS (Interdenominational) Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership The course of instruction includes: Bible Study, Çhurch History, Christian Missions, Psychology and Pedagogy, Organization and Administration of Religious Education, The Art of Story.Telling, Hygiene and Health, Practical Experience in Church and Mission Work. Under the auspices of the Woman’s Branch, NEW YORK CITY MISSION SOCIETY Mrs. A. F. Schauffler, First Directress For further information address MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER, Dean 7 Gramercy Park, West New York City

Conflict and Conquest in Holiness By J. C. Massee, D. D.

THE DEMAND FOR BIBLES by the intelligent “ thinkers” of the world is greater today than ever before We have sold more Cross-Reference Bibles in 1923 than was sold in any previous year’s history of the Company. There is a reason. Many great questions involving the true principles of Christianity are under discussion and the exhaustive references and CROSS-REFERENCE system of the CROSS-REFERENCE BIBLE enables the seeker for knowledge to ascertain the true teachings of the Bible on the same. The text is the AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED VERSION, the most accurate translation of the oldest manuscripts in any language. Among the editors are such well known and acknowledged authorities as Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dr. A. T. Robertson, Harold E. Monser, etc.

A volume of Scriptural expository teaching based on incidents in the life of Israel during the leadership of Josh­ ua, possessing reasonable and pointed present-day application. Cloth, $1.50

The Kingdom o f God

By Francis Asa Wright, D. D. Dr. Wright divides his subjects under three heads,— “ The Theocracy and King­ dom of the Jews” ; "The Kingdom of God, or Heaven” ; “ The Kingdom of Glory, or the Millennium.” The plain meaning of Scripture is set forth with fine impartiality and the Old and New Testaments are blended in complete har­ mony. We heartily commend it. Cloth, $1.50 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Ceil.

Sold direct, thru your publishing house, and by agents.

Send for sample pages, descriptive literature, price list, etc. CROSS-REFERENCE BIBLE CO., Inc. 150-152 Chambers St., New York, N. Y.

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