May 1924
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Paul tells us that we are to be “ henceforth no more children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cun ning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” Peter says: “ But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable here sies ; even denying the Lord that bought them.” The Book is full of warnings. Let us keep our eyes open, be much in prayer for safety from Satan’s snares; love all men, but fight for the faith against all enemies, no matter who or where. May the Lord grant unto us both grace and grit. THE W A S T E OF W E A L TH A good woman recently sent us some jewelry, includ ing a diamond, which had been Overlooked by the burglars when they robbed her home. She thought it would be wise to put it to some definite use for the Lord, and of course, was sorry that the burglars ’ loot had not also been included. An item in our daily paper says that the sale of jewelry in Los Angeles will reach twelve million dol lars this year. Wé do not know how much of that be longs to the Lord’s people, but:we do know that it is a sorrowful comment upon conditions when millions are: starving for the bread that perisheth and other millions perishing for the lack of the Bread of Eternal Life. Many are pulling down their barns and building greater and storing away their fruits and goods, but they are not having any joy in their souls and are missing the real pleasure that comes from giving and the satisfaction of seeing while they are giving. The message, “ Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be re quired of thee” has come to many a man when he least expected it and too late he has found he had fooled himself in not being rich toward God and thus being able to rejoice throughout eternity. It must be a sorrowful voice that can say, “ Soul take thine ease. Eat, drink and be merry.” It must be a serious problem to pray when the barns are bursting with foods and sinners are saying, “ No man careth for my soul.” SHELDON ’S EDITION OF THE SCRIPTURE The following item was recently -clipped from a daily paper: DB. CHARLES SHELDON WILL JAZZ UP BIBLE COVERS Topeka, Feb. 14.—The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, of To peka, head of the Christian Herald, and widely known author, is going to try a little experiment in psychology in creating greater interest in Bible reading. “ The Bible is too interesting a book to be bound in undertaker colors,” said Doctor Sheldon. In the. last twenty years, Doctor Sheldon has prepared what he calls an “ American” version of the Bible, In real ity the new edition simply has a part of the King James version eliminated. The so-called contradictory chapters and verses dnd much repeated material have been removed. The new book will be much smaller than the standard Bibles and will be printed in bright covers. As a matter of fact, the new edition will compare favorably in appearance with the novels and general literature books to be seen in book stores. We would not feel like criticizing any one for wishing to use some other color than black for the covers óf the Bible (provided their purpose in so doing was not
With the daily newspapers. Homes must be reached, facts produced, an appeal made to parents to exercise the proper influence. ; The church next. Open the doors during-the week. Teach the youth respect for the Bible and for the moral laws of the land. Let the people of God go as they are commanded by our Lord and carry the Gos pel to homes,—gather the children in the neighbor hood and teach them God’s Word. Insist upon the eviction of all evolutionary books and teaching and o f all denial of the inspiration of God’s Word. The worst enemies of our land now are preachers and teachers who trifle with God’s Book. Woe unto them when God deals with those who are answerable for these conditions. Parents, pastors, teachers, judges, religious newspapers and magazines, daily papers, yourself, myself,—love for Christ, lové for souls, love for our country demand that we do our best and do it now! THE CREEPING CRITICS In teaching the Book of Jude recently to a Men’s Bible Class, and seeking to stress the admonition found therein to be - ‘ earnestly contending for the faith, once for all' delivered unto the saints, we were consider ing the reason given : ‘ ‘ For there have CREPT in cer tain men” (i. e., “ slipping in by s t e a l t h s i d e ways-” ). This - suggested to us that the description exactly suited some of the present age who are doing such untold damage to the saints. These men did not knock at the door, make' themselves known and reyeal their purpose, but secretly slipped in sideways; and once safely inside, they have secretly, shrewdly and Satan- ically laid their plans to foist upon the saints their, doctrine of denial of God’s holy Word and of the Vir gin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have watched -some of these “ creepers” for forty years,— some of them serenely angelic, the es sence' of honey oozing from their lips, tongues ‘ so smooth, talk so sweet; so devoted to the darling, de luded saints ' Had we ¡seeing eyes, we could penetrate the sophis try with which they seduce the. people, and behind them discern the Satanic face and form of him who .hates the Christ of the cross. We are standing firmly on Scriptural ground when we say this, and are not going out of our way’ t.o paint: a black picture. We are standing with our Lord, with Paul, with Jude, with all honest believers in God’S Word, when we warn the flock against these conscienceless creepers who parade their boasted piety, and flaunt their flimsy, flippant arguments against the verity of the W ord 'o f God. Beware of these creeping croakers! They may themselves be deluded but they are dangerous, and you owe it 1o your homes, to your church, to" your country, to clean them out lest they contaminate the church and prevent the Gospel from reaching unsaved people who are helpless without the testimony of the followers of Christ. They are multiplying in' numbers. They are manip ulating the ecclesiastical machinery in Such a manner as to perpetuate their position. Be on your guard ! Act now! Act definitely! Don’t sleep! Remember the warning of our Lord that “ while he slept his enemy came in arid sowed tares .among"the wheat. ”
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