May 1924
T H E K I N Q ’ S B U S I N E S S
THE CRIME OF OUR GODLESS SCHOOLS (Continued from Page 271)
reading of the Bible and the diffusion of the study of that most remarkable collection of hooks among the people.” There is just now a tidal wave of crime and vice sweep ing over this land and something must be done to stay this tide and counteract its deadly, destructive work. One of the forces most powerful in accomplishing this purpose and saving the Republic is to begin early enough with the children and saturate their minds with moral instruction. If the fields are not to he covered with weeds, we must sow them thick with the good seed and cultivate them to the limit. Whatever else we may have as our possessions in this land of liberty, all will be ultimately of no value with out its moral background. Once more, briefly, the Bible should be put back in the public schools, fourth, Because Spirituality Demands It I am aware of the fact this statement will immediately receive strenuous opposition. But while the schools are not primarily established to teach religion they ought to have a most emphatic relation to the highest part of the indi vidual which is his soul’s life. They ought to be a leverage to lift young people above the purely material and even the intellectual. There ought to he something in the atmos phere to have a permanent effect on the great things of the soul. One of the millionaires and greatest business men in America said recently— “The choice before us is Christ or chaos. I tell you we are sitting on a Bolshevik volcano, and as I have selected the men to be around me at this time, I have found that almost all of these men whom I chose because I could rely on them, were Christians and sixty-five per cent of them were graduates of the small Christian colleges where they received Christian influence.’’!
heard of them. He then ashed him if he knew of Christ, and he said he knew there was someone hy that name be cause he heard it at Christmas time. He asked him again if his family had a Bible or ever read it, and he said they never did. He then said to this future American citizen, “ Do you believe in stealing?” He said he believed the world owed him a living and if he could not get it in any other way it was all right to get it in that way. This boy had apparently never heard of the Bible, or the Command ments, or Christ, or anything that would save him morals or his life. He is one of the vast number who are preparing to be bandits and robbers and endanger our homes, and our families, and our property. Even our own safety demands that the coming generation be saturated with the truths of the Bible and learn to fear God. If they do not fear God’s law, they will never fear man’s law. Thomas Huxley, for so many years, valiant leader of the ¿gnostics, addressing himself to the work that the London School Board should attempt to do, emphasized the great need of moral education. He said emphatically, “ My be lief is that no human being and no society composed of hu man beings, ever did, or ever will, come to much unless their conduct is governed and guided hy the love of some ethical ideals, and if I were compelled to choose for one of my own children between the school in which real re ligious instruction is given and one without it, 1 should prefer the former even though the child might have to take a good deal of theology with it. I have always been strongly in favor of a secular education in which there should be Bible instruction. I have always advocated the
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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