King's Business - 1924-05



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May 1924


Important Books For Present Day Reading and Study “ In Christ Jesus” —- The Sphere o f the Believer’ s Life By Dr. A. T. Pierson This book contains a series of “ Key Note** Studies in the Pauline Epistles, the phrase “ In Christ“ being the central theme of each study. The author in his introduc­ tion says, “We see the vital importance of the phrase *In Christ" in the fact that these words unlock and in­ terpret every separate book in the New Testament. Here is God’s own key whereby we may open all the various doors and enter all the glorious rooms in this palace beautiful, and explore all the apartments in the house of the heavenly Interpreter from Matthew to the Apoca­ lypse.“ If you like good Biblical interpretations that are filled with real soul food, buy this book. Cloth, $1.50 Why I Am a Christian By Dr. A. C. Dixon Things New and Old By Dr. C. I .Scofield

fore the sun reaches noon this town must pay fifty or a thousand dollars to the brigands, and if they do not do so the city will be looted and then burned to the ground; and the boys of every family taken prisoner, and all the young women carried off never to come back again.” And these things are happening all the time. Of course the people pay anything to save themselves from such a calamity. We had seen everywhere we traveled in China the ravages of this brigandage, corpses lying by the roadside; villages and towns burned out; the people coming to the mission station with most terrible wounds to be healed and dressed. We had just reached the last Province, the last city, we were going to, and in one day more we should have been safely through that long journey, when the Lord allowed us to be taken by this wild, savage, band of brigands. They sprang out upon us suddenly from an ambush by the road­ side as we were traveling along in sedan chairs early in the afternoon, firing their rifles, brandishing their swords, shouting, leaping like wild frenzied creatures, doing every­ thing to strike terror into our hearts. Of course we stepped out' of the chairs at once and went to meet them. There was no use talking or parleying. They got our ropes to tie our arms and carry us away prisoners. I said, “ There is no need to tie our arms, we have no revolvers; you need not be afraid of us.” When they found we were not armed they didn’t tie us. They took us straightway back into the great high mountains ten or twelve thousand feet high, way back into .the Brigand King­ dom—because they had a king, those four thousand men. They said, “We are taking you to see King of the Brigands, and he will say what is to be done.” They sent all our things into the city, and in a few nio- ments we realized we had nothing, absolutely nothing, but what we stood up in. No change of clothing, no bedding for the night, no food of any description, couldn’t even make a cup of tea. No soap, no towels, nothing except our Bibles, a few books anjd papers which we had in our chair, and a steamer rug and cushion. They carried us off ab­ solutely alone except for the dear Chinese evangelist who went at the risk of his own life with us. Nothing would persuade him to leave us, that dear brother. How we love him, how thankful we were for his conversion. The leader of the band walked beside my chair just op^ posite my window, armed to the teeth, a young man of about thirty, a typical brigand. And there in the chair, realizing our helplessness, remembering all we had been hearing and seeing for three and a half years, and knowing now that it had come to us— oh, I cannot tell you the won­ der of that experience, of the nearness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! They had closed in around the chairs, but He was nearer, much nearer, so near that he was con­ sciously there between me and that leader of the hand of brigands. And oh, the heavenly joy of that moment I never can tell; only that the sweet sense of His keeping, His presence just took possession of one’s whole being and there was no room for fear, no room for the terror they sought to inspire, no room for any thing but just joy in the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It was so sweet and so won­ derful I could not help singing, sitting there in the chair, just because it was so real. And the. leader of the band heard; he looked into that little window, and shouted to the rest of the men, “ Listen! She’s singing. She is not afraid.” I looked at him through the little widow and smiled, and said, “ Oh, no, we are not afraid of you. Of

This is one of the most helpful books that it has ever been our ‘privilege to read. It is not only helpful to the Christian himself in clarifying his own thinking but we be­ lieve it will be most useful to put into the hands of the un­ saved. Dr. Dixon, in the fore­ word says, “ I give the line of thought which led me out of doubt into the clear light of faith; and I pray God that it may be used of Him to lead others in the same way.’* Paper, 50 cents Power Through Prayer By Edward M. Bounds The contents of this mes­ sage upon prayer should be read alike by preacher and teacher, evangelist and inter­ cessor. Its pages contain an appeal to every “worker to­ gether with Christ“ and stimu­ late the desire for prayer in the varied relationships of Christian life. The appeal de­ serves a wide circulation amongst members of Prayer Circles and Prayer Unions, and, indeed, amongst all who are looking for a revival of true religion in our own land, and an exodus of ambassadors for Christ to heathen and Moslem populations. Cloth, $1.00

This book is a combination of Old and New Testament Bible Studies, covering very interesting historical portions of the Old Testament and the four Gospels. It also contains a number of lectures and ad­ dresses delivered at Bible Conferences. Those who know the sane and spiritual expo­ sitions of Dr. Scofield will surely want this book. Cloth, $2.00 By Rev. Wilbert W. White The whole subject is studied in terms of our Lord and His times, emphasizing the fact that the first generation of Christians believed that Jesus rose from the dead in bodily form. Out of many years study of the Bible and expe­ rience in teaching its truths, Dr. White brings a message worthy of the careful atten­ tion of all students of Scrip­ ture, and one that will give comfort and assurance to the many who long for some sure word as to the future life of their loved ones. Cloth, $1.00 The Resurrection Body “According to the Scriptures*’

The Return o f the Lord Jesus By Dr. R. A . Torrey

The key to the Scripture and the perfect and only solution of all our political and social problems. Treats especially of the Golden Age that is soon coming to this earth. The wondrous truths of God’s word on this most important event of unfulfilled Scripture are brought out showing the importance of the truth that our Lord Jesus is coming again. The certainty of it. The manner in which He is coming. The result of His return. The time of it. Our attitude toward it. The reading of this book will prove an inspiration to the child of God, es­ pecially now when this old world is in such turmoil. * Paper, 50c; Cloth, 75c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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