May 1924
T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
IN SIGHT OF THE CROSS (Continued from Page 273)
let us say with Bishop Moule— “ Always at the Atoning , Cross, yes, every day and hour, knowing no other stand before the face of the Holy One. Always receiving there the Risen Life, the presence inwardly of the Risen One, the secret power to suffer, and to serve in peace! Yes, for ever; yea, to the praise of the glory of His grace.” ANOTHER GOOD SUGGESTION We mentioned recently the fact that one of the “ Defenders of the Faith” had evolved a scheme for using his “ Ammunition” in the most effective way. He dis played it in a window, thus attracting the attention of pas sers-by and inviting some inquiries. Later he wrote us that the window became so frosty (he lives in British Columbia) that he fixed up a board outside in the same way, including in the display three K. B.’s, and, he writes “ I see the people stop and read them. I am praying that-^if the Lord wills— they will start something.” And we are sure that something will be “ started” for we have God’s promise, “My word*** shall not re’turn unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper in the thing whereto I send it.” Our responsibility is to “ sow the seed beside all waters,” in perfect confidence that the Word which is “ quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,**** and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” will do the work. Read the “ Challenge” on Page 310, send for the “ Am munition” and use it as the Lord leads you. The time is short— the night cometh—when no man can work! “ The King’s Business requireth haste!”
VH. Service Kindled. The love of Christ was the fire that fed and fired the heart of the Apostle Paul, hence we are not surprised to hear him say, “ I will gladly spend and be spent.” Mark the “ spend” and “ spent.” “ Spend” means to spend out till there is nothing left. This is one of the three “ spent alls” of the New Testament. The prodigal “ spent all’ he had in getting as bad as he could; and the diseased woman “ spent all” she had in trying to get better. The word is rendered “ consume” in James 4:3. “ Spent” means to be exhausted. The seal of the London Missionary Society is, an ox stand ing between an altar and a plough, with the words, ’“ Ready for either.” The Calvary-moved man sacrifices himself in serving. “ The Church is Christian,” said the late A .J. Gordon, “ as it is the continuous organ of the passion of Christ. We can never heal the needs we do not feel. “ I desire to burn out for God,” said Henry Martin. Oh! to have the agony of Gethsemane in prayer, the Gabbatha of purpose in patience, and the Golgotha of love in compas sion. “ Oh, for a passionate passion for souls! Oh, for a pity that yearns! Oh, for a love which loves unto death! Oh, for a fire that burns!
Oh, for prayer power that prevails! That pours itself out for the lost, Victorious prayer in the Conqueror’s name, Oh, for a Pentecost!”
So let us pray to be kept near the Christ of the Cross, that we may understand all the meaning of the Cross of the Christ, and let our motto be the motto of the Irish Viscount Netterville-—“While I breathe, I trust in the Cross.” And
Christianity and Liberalism
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